Chapter 11

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"How'd you know?" asked Alex feeling relieved that he wasn't facing his crazy family drama alone. He didn't know how he'd even look at Amber. What was he going to say? Then there was Aaron. Apparently gone crazy. Well, crazier. He'd put his brother in an expensive, nice psychiatric facility. God knew he spent a big chunk of change on that every month. Now, had to find a new place. A place that was good. That would take Aaron.

"So, how'd you know?" he repeated.

"Jo asked me when your flight left. I got on stand by and here I am. Alex, why didn't you tell me? I'm your friend. I'm here for this kinda thing." She grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly.

"Yeah, thanks. You didn't have to do this, but thanks." It was about the closest Alex got to sentimental. "Hey, where's Zola?"

"Cristina volunteered."

"You left her with Yang? She hates kids!"

"Uh, I leave her with you and you say you can't stand kids," Meredith answered.

"But Yang really hates kids!"

"Did you just admit that you like kids? You did! You just said you love kids!"

"Whatever. You're delusional! I'm gonna have you committed too. Next to my brother."

"Shut up, Alex."

"Is it too late for you to get off?" asked Karev smiling. Meredith smiled and held his hand tighter. They spent the rest of the flight not talking much, both knew this would not be a fun trip. Alex finally dozed off, head resting on Meredith's shoulder.

Amber was waiting at the airport to pick her brother up. She seemed genuinely happy to see him.

Yeah, ready to drop this shit storm in my lap, thought Alex.

"This is my friend, Meredith," he said after hugging Amber awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you," his sister extended her hand but Meredith pulled her into a hug.

"Jeez, Mer. A hug?" Alex whispered on the way to the car.

Amber filled the two in on the Aaron incident on the ride to the hotel. It was uglier than expected. He'd slit a nurse's throat late one night and left her to die in a restroom. Luckily, the jugular was missed and she was going to fully recover. Unluckily, no place else was going to take him. At least no place good.

"Amber, you didn't have to do anything. I told you I'd take care of it."

"He's my brother," Amber said simply.

Silence. "Well... uh, thanks." Alex didn't know what else to say. He wanted to tell her it would be okay, everything would be okay. Her big brother was there and he would take care of all of it, of her. The words wouldn't come. Instead, he repeated, "Thanks."

"Alex, you look like shit. Have you been sick or something?" she peered at him knowing he was underweight, dark circles, cheeks more sunken than normal.

"A little. I'm better now, no big deal. Thanks for the freaking compliment," he laughed sharing a look with Meredith. Keep your damn mouth shut, Grey, he thought.

Amber dropped the two at the hotel, making arrangements to have them over for breakfast at her place in the morning.

"She's cute," said Meredith. "Seems sweet. And looks at you with those baby sister eyes. I can tell she's glad you're here."

"Because I'm such a freakin' great big brother."

"Don't say that. You're here, aren't you?" Meredith hooked her arm in his as they walked to check in.

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYWhere stories live. Discover now