Chapter 6

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Okay, this chapter is mainly part two of the Izzie and Alex conversation. Jo is more prominent in the next one, along with Meredith.


Alex woke up feeling a little better. When he and other doctors advised rest for a patient, they knew what they were talking about. He grinned a little to find no one in his room. Alone, at last.

His throat was so dry, lips cracking...some ice cold water sounded like heaven.

Nothing on the tray by his bed. Water probably a no no. God, I'm ready to get outta here, he thought.

Meredith had dropped by and stayed way too long finally pulling away to go home to her girl. Zola would not be denied for much longer. She would have to see Uncle Alex and soon, no matter how sick he looked.

The passing of Derek damaged Meredith to her core. It had also damaged Zola. The little girl knew that people left, people who promised to be there forever, daddies who loved you to the moon. They could be holding your hand one day, kissing you all over the neck and disappear the next.

Zola would have to see Uncle Alex in the next day or two. She had to know that he was still in her life and missing her dance class and movie night and holding her hand and kissing her neck was not his choice.

"God, you look like hell, Alex," Meredith said stroking his head, smoothing his hair back. He was sleeping but the deep circles under his eyes were still visible. The weight he'd lost in a few days was apparent with his more prominent cheekbones.

"Get better. Please, Alex, don't leave us." Meredith whispered this in his ear, hoping it would sink in. She got up and rinsed a washcloth with warm water brining it back to her friend to gently wash his face. She kissed his forehead and reluctantly left knowing she had a difficult conversation with Zola ahead. She needed to prepare her for what Uncle Alex looked like and just how sick he was.

Now fully awake, Alex was thinking about attempting to get up and get a little sip of water. Just one sip. His throat was officially sandpaper, and he felt like he was going to die if he didn't get one little sip.

No, too many damn tubes to make a break for it.

As if on cue, Izzie Stevens walked in with a pitcher of water and small plastic cup.

"Figured you would kill for this about now," said Izzie casually as she poured some in the cup getting closer to Alex.

"I'm ready to kill. You got that right. You're not gone yet?" Alex replied hoping Cristina would come rushing in and kick the blonde out.

"Be nice or no drinkie for you," teased Izzie swaying the cup back and forth in front of the peds surgeon. She was determined to lighten the mood and make up before she left.


That damn word again.

"Oooh, this is sooo good," said Izzie taking a small drink.

"Give me the damn cup!" Alex was seriously jonesing for a teeny sip.

Izzie helped Alex scoot up a little. She brought the cup to his lips, "Small sips only."

Her peace offering had the effect she'd hoped for. Alex smiled as he took his first sip of the best tasting water he'd ever had.


"Whatever," said Izzie using her ex's favorite word.

This brought a grin to Alex's grumpy face.

"I have to go back today, Alex. I didn't want to leave it the way..."


"We need to finish our conversation. I'm living with someone. It's the first time I've had anything resembling a relationship since us."

"Who cares."

"He's a doctor in my hospital." Izzie tried again.

"Of course he is."

"Cardio surgeon. He's kind, Alex... really a good man. He treats me like..."

"If you say a princess, I'm puking right now."

"I was going to say, like I'm the only woman in the world."

"He sounds boring as hell."

Izzie laughed. "Sort of, but that's what I need right now."

"Well, I got a shot at somethin' right now, too." Alex didn't know why he was telling his ex-wife this, but he found himself unable to stop.

"I hope she treats you right, Alex, because I do love you. You know that, right?"

"The thought of you with Dr. McSnooze makes me a little crazy." That was Alex's way of saying "me too," all he could muster at the moment.

"The thought of you kissing anyone else makes me a little crazy too." said Izzie.

"Crazier, you mean," muttered Alex with that grin back.

"Can we keep in touch?" asked Iz not sure if it would be good for either one of them but knowing she wanted this.

"Sure. Whatever. We can try."

"Get better because I need to know that you are in the world, living, trying to be happy." Izzie leaned in closer; she needed to see his eyes, try to read them.

"I need that too." Alex used his good hand to pull Izzie in even closer. Damn that hair is as soft as ever, still smells like something citrus, felt like silk running through his hand.

"I miss y..." Izzies words were cut off short with Karev's lips pressing into hers.

She pulled his mouth harder into hers, the kiss stirring a passion dormant for too long. Their mouths knowing where to go, lips instinctively meeting with the familiarity of a married couple but also with the excitement of being away for too long.

Alex cursed that tree, his injuries, everything keeping him in that bed at the moment.

"Ahem," Jo cleared her throat loudly from the door.

Oh shit thought Alex slowly opening his eyes and seeing the intern, hand on her hip biting her lip furiously.

"You are a lying douche bag of epic proportions! A liar!" Jo screamed rushing toward Alex's bed, toward Izzie.

She pushed Izzie out of the way and slapped Alex across the face then again on his chest.

Izzie grabbed Jo's arms and pushed her back hard.

"You don't understand. It's not what you think! I'm leaving. We were saying goodbye." yelled Izzie in the intern's face.

"One hell of a goodbye!" Jo yelled back tears streaming down her face.

"Jo, come here, please. Just sit your ass down and calm down." Alex was pleading pointing to the empty chair next to his bed. His face was stinging, chest that girl packs a punch, or slap. Yeah, look at Peckwell, he reminded himself small grin forming on his face.

"So this is funny to you, is it?" screamed Jo turning around to leave. "Jason's pressing charges! How funny is that?"

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum