We need to talk about Chris

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3rd person pov.
Mr. Argent watched his daughter carefully. After the events at the school two weeks ago she had barely moved. She had sat by her brothers side and watched him in his state.

Of course Mr. Argent had tried to take Allison to school, but she said if Chris woke up she would, but until then she was staying right by his side. Unless the doctors told her to leave because they had to clean the wounds that where left upon him.

There was a knock on the door and the two Argents glanced backwards  to see Kate. "Can I steal your dad for a second?" She asked. Allison nodded and turned back to her brother. Mr. Argent followed his sister out the door.

"Ok, so you and I both know what is under that nice long bandage on his forearm. Argent ran his hand through his hair nervously.
"And we both know it wasn't Derek at the school that night," she added on.

"He's in a coma Kate, and we aren't killing my son unless we know he actually turns!"

Kate shook her head knowing what Her brother was going through. "If he starts ultra healing and wakes up killing people what do we do then!?" She asked annoyed. "We deal with it when it comes to that! Do you see Gerald here? No. So until then we try to figure it out on our own!"

"If dad figures out what your about to do you'll have no choice but to hunt and kill your son, Chris I don't want to have you to do that!"

Argent shook his head. "If he even wakes up, like I said we will deal with it then!"
"It's simple Chris, don't let him become what he hunts! Don't make him have to choose between pack or between family!" She pleaded.
"It won't come to that," Argent said trying to convince himself more than Kate.

"If you don't do anything by his second full moon, it won't end very well," Kate said before walking In the room to comfort her niece.

Chris pov.

I woke up gasping and looking around. I was in a wooden shack it seemed with a bed a table and a mini fridge with a fire place. Next to the wall was a hunting rifle and snow camouflage snow outfit.

I looked out of the window and saw snow covering the ground and trees out in the open.

"Where am I?" I mumbled to myself As I got up. 


The crunch of the icy snow was the only sound I could hear besides my breathing. I clutched my rifle looking for anything. "ALLISON!? SCOTT!?DAD!KATE?! STILES!?" I called out hopefully.

Instead of hearing a yell back I heard a howl. Then another, and another.

A pack of wolves!? Not good not good! I need to get back to the cabin. I turned around to follow my footsteps but they where gone.

"What the?"

I started sprinting back the way I came as all I heard was the wolves howling. I didn't know how long I was running. I never got tired and I never found the cabin.

I stopped running and fell down on my knees defeated.

I looked up into the sky and screamed. It echoed in the air cutting through the howling wolves. It became quiet again.

"That's not good...." I mumbled as I stood up again looking around. I squinted to see near the forest exit and saw thirteen wolves charging towards me.

I loaded my rifle up and aimed down the scope. When I was about to take the shot I noticed something. There was a white wolf. Everything about it was straight white. Even if eyes seemed to glow like Scotts except they where white..... Which meant...

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