Chapter One: Meet The Argents

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Disclaimer- I do not own Teen Wolf, but what my o/c says and does is my ideas.

I hope you guys like this, I decided that I would go ahead and get the first chapter published. I'll be updating this from now own once or twice a week most likely Monday, and Friday. If I'm on a role maybe three. So expect Chapter two by Monday, and comments and votes are welcomed.

"Relax, it's just the first day of school sis," I said smiling watching my Twin sister Allison pace nervously around living room. "Yeah first day of school in a new school!" She replied fidgeting with her bracelet.

"Allison, you'll be fine how many new schools have we gone to? We've always been able to find friends," I assured her. Allison sighed as she picked up her bag and slung it around her shoulder. "That's always because you become one of the stars on the lacrosse team," she informed me. I rolled my eyes as grabbed my car keys, pencil, and pen.

"Guess you can always thank your older brother for getting you popularity?" I joked. Allison playfully hit my arm. "You're barely older than me," she informed me her face dead serious. I played along.

"Best fifteen minutes of my life, man weren't those the days!" Allison glared at me and I gave her my puppy dog eyes. We had a five minute stare down before she finally broke a smile.

My dad came out from around the corner. "Allison go wait In Chris's car I need to talk to him." I raised an eyebrow at him as Allison grabbed my keys from my hand and walked out the door. "Yeah dad?" I asked leaning on the wall.

"I want you to remember the real reason we are in this town, we are  here for a hunt. Your job is to find the beta, and track him to the alpha," he informed me.

You see my family hunts and kills werewolf's. No I'm not lying we have a whole arsenal of weapons to kill them with. The real reason we moved to Beacon Hills is because there are rumors of werewolf's coming back here. I help my dad hunt them down and kill the ones who have killed people.

We follow a code and nobody gets to know about it but other family members. Allison doesn't know yet my dad wanting her to have some innocence. But I know because I followed him out one night and got shot. Then everything became way more clear.

I nodded and my dad patted me on the back. "You got your knife?" He asked. I lifted up my shirt to reveal the hilt of the silver dagger. "Don't get caught with that," he ordered. I rolled my eyes and said my good byes and walked out the door.

I hoped into my Royal Blue Ford Raptor and Allison tossed me my keys. "Nervous?"I Asked her starting the truck. "Terrified," Allison responded. I chuckled as I pulled out of the drive way cranking the toons.


I hopped out of my car and told Allison to got to the office. I was going to look around familiarize myself with the school grounds.  I glanced around the parking lot as I saw a kid get out of a fancy looking car get out and look at a kid on a bike. As I walked closer I heard the rich guy say, "Dude watch the paint job." Great a person I don't like bully's. I went on a straight b- line for the rich bully. As we passed each other I stuck out my foot and tripped him. He fell down scraping his hands on the concrete. "Dude watch the Jays!" I exclaimed wiping of my Jordan's.

He got up and glared at me trying to size me up. But I was at least 3 inches taller and was more muscular. Someone called for him and he glared at me one more time before stomping off. "Dude I never saw someone stand up to Jackson," the bike kid exclaimed from behind me,  "That was awesome!" I smiled and held out my hand. "Chris Argent." He shook my hand "Scott McCall."

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