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See? I promised a new chapter...

....and here it is...


Chapter 5: Insert-Title-Here

Oh shit.

“Registering as Luck Agent 225, Elite Luck,” Said the thing behind me. I turned around, and saw him. It was a BadLuck Agent.

     BadLuck Agents are not like us. We are human agents, they are agents of nature. They don’t have a sense of goodness, they just take pleasure on wreaking havoc. It’s also the reason of why they are ugly, 8 feet tall purplish-grey gargoyles with black, wispy and wet hair and a smell of rotten fish. But only the pawns are like this… the bosses are… well… ok, I have to admit, even if they all have purplish-grey skin, yellow eyes and fangs, they have a pretty hot human shape… Fuck them, I’m turning gay for them.

“Trespassing realms without a permission… and with a human,” It said in its wretched, Gollum voice as it eyed Ariel.

“Oh well, it sucks to be you,” Said the BadLuck Agent, and it launched at us, with its mouth wide open. Ariel jumped to the side and I to the opposite side.

“Take the sword out!” Ariel said. I listened, and took out my 4ft long sword. The handle was silver, with a blue diamond incrusted and silver feathers to the side.

“EEEEAKKK,” The BadLuck Agent screeched at the light the sword was emitting. I smirked, and charged to it, sword on front. I managed to penetrate its abdomen, before it swatted me away.

     The BadLuck Agent looked at the sword incrusted in his stomach, before looking at me. He screeched, and started running towards me; his mouth wide open, showing the rows of rotten, yellow teeth. Ew… I seriously didn’t want to die that way, but I was trapped. I had landed on a thorn bush, and couldn’t get out, so I closed my eyes and hoped for the worst.


“HEY! BITCH! TURN AROUND, FAGGOT HEAD! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO EAT HIM!?” Yelled someone. I opened my eyes, and looked. Ariel was holding a stone on his left hand, looking at the BadLuck Agent. My breath hitched as I saw how the BadLuck Agent turned around and looked at Ariel.

“And who do you think you are to throw a rock at me?” It asked in the same Gollum voice.

“Well, first of all, it is very clear that I’m the most important living thing between the 3 of us, and then comes douchebag over there, and then a few thousand places downs, and then comes you,” Said Ariel with a matter-of-fact voice. My eyes widened as the beast took steps closer to the boy.

“And what makes you say that?” Asked the BadLuck Agent.

“The fact that you serve me to make my life hell, and the fact that he serves me to make my life less of a hell,” Said Ariel.

     Suddenly, the BadLuck Agent launched at him.

“ARIEL!” I screamed.


“EEEAKKK!” And the BadLuck Agent was dead.

     I opened my eyes, and looked. It seemed that Ariel had thrown a stone to the BadLuck Agent when he was charging, the BadLuck Agent got confused, Ariel ran forwards, grabbed my sword out of the beast’s body and incrusted it in its heart. Hence why now Ariel’s under the corpse of the BadLuck Agent.

“Gah! Help me!” Cried out Ariel as he tried to shove the beast off of him.

“Why should I? I’m not your servant,” I said.

“I know you’re not! I was only trying to piss him off!” Said Ariel. I stood up and walked to the gargoyle and pushed it off of him.

“There are many ways to piss off a BadLuck Agent other than saying that I and him are inferior to you,” I growled. Ariel looked at me, well, no, he glared at me.

“Well maybe if you hadn’t just sat there like a sissy then I wouldn’t have called you inferior,” Said Ariel, glaring at me, and I glared back.

     I grabbed my sword and took it out of the BadLuck Agent’s heart. I examined it. It was covered in black blood, that’s one, and there were scorch marks around the handle. I turned my head around and saw how Ariel ripped at piece of his shirt and wrapped it around one of his hands, while the other was trembling. Alright, I’ve been a real ass…

… then again, no one may call me inferior.

“Let me see, o’ superior being,” I said, trying to get a hold of his arm. He swatted mine away and glared at me, but I grabbed his slim shoulder.

“I’m perfectly fine, now get your hands off of me,” He said. I sighed, and gripped his shoulder tighter. I pushed him forward and…

…and I…



     …checked his hands.

     They were mildly burned, but it was both of them. Further more, his skin was still burning under the slow acid of the blood of the BadLuck Agent. I sighed, and took out a small water bottle out of my pocket, and poured it the piece of shirt he had ripped off. He hissed as I cleansed the burns out, but then noticed there were more on his chest.

“This is horribly gay,” I growled, “but, take off your shirt.”

     Ariel glared at me, and took off the vest along with the wine red and black shirt. I looked at his chest… gods…

Oh my gods…




Luckier than an Irish on St. Patrick's DayWhere stories live. Discover now