Chapter Fourteen

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I groan in anguish as Malik tosses me onto the ground effortlessly, like a crumpled ball of paper, for the umpteenth time. "Come on, cupcake," Malik taunts, extending a hand, "That was too easy."

"That was too easy," I repeat mockingly, my eyes narrowing. As Malik laughs, I spot my opportunity and kick him in the shins. "I'm not easy... wait, hang on—"

Malik glares, returning upright, and I quickly to the same; able to avoid the easy punches he threw. Starting to notice his rhythm, I watch as he sweeps his leg out — intending to trip me —, but I immediately grab onto him; sending us both onto the sparring mat.

"You know, you're pretty good at this," Malik pants, his body hovering over mine. The breath immediately hitches in my throat.

"Was that a compliment I just heard? Or was it the sound of you admitting defeat?" I question, my voice slightly strangled as I forced the intelligible words out. Malik merely laughs — thankfully missing, or ellecting to miss, my awkwardness.

With the minimal distance between us, I could now see every distinct detail of his face in glorious high definition. His beauty was unique, different than most of the handsome faces on TV, but still remarkably attractive; with a chiseled jaw and shimmering emeralds for eyes.

Suddenly, Malik snickers. "Done staring?"

"Almost," I reply quietly and Malik chuckles as I continue to analyze every part of his face, before noticing a scar just peeking out from his hairline and possibly continuing through it. "What happened?" I enquire as my fingertips come up to dance gingerly along the scarred flesh.

"I'm a Chaser, cupcake, danger kind of naturally goes along with the job description."

I hum understandingly, pausing as I notice Malik's eyes now examining me. I would have flushed bright red if I could have.

"Done staring?" I mimic jokingly, his eyes immediately flicking up to meet mine.

"Not even close."

I open my mouth to say something — anything — when the door to the training room swings open, the rusted hinges screaming. "Dammit," Malik curses, tearing his eyes from mine to glare at whoever stood in the doorway; his expression immediately softening, before he rolled his body away from mine.

"I thought I'd find you in here." Malik hoisted me to my feet once more, and I found Laria hovering in the doorway with a knowing smirk. "I wanted to see you in my office." Malik quickly steps forward but Laria holds out a hand, instantly halting him.

"Not you, short stop," Laria dismisses before pointing at me and ushering me over.

I hurriedly oblige, speeding over to her. "Am I in trouble?"

"Not at all dear, not at all." Laria giggles to herself, gesturing to follow her after I fearfully waved goodbye to Malik.


"Tea?" Laria offers as she pours herself a cup.

"Please," I nod, thanking her as I accept the small teacup she extends to me.

Laria's office was very fanciful and was furnished with opulent fixtures that would catch my eye. Though there was also a certain clinicalness to the layout, but I presumed that most diplomats would command order over chaos.

"So, let's get down to business," Laria orders abruptly and I quickly gulp down my mouthful of tea. "You found a girl in the hallways today, yes?"

I nod, "Is she okay?"

Laria suspiciously doesn't answer. "Did this girl tell you her name?"

"Yes, Holly Flanagan," I inform curtly, "She said she had been kidnapped by men in masks and didn't know how she ended up in the hallways."

"And that answers my next question." Laria mumbles to herself before taking another sip of her tea. "Have you ever met this girl in person before?"

"Not in person, but..." I trail off and she leans forward in her seat, encouraging me to continue. I take a deep breath and explain the whole story about the necklace and my rather unlikely theory about what happened.

"Well, I have known the people in power to be brash, but they don't often make these connections so quickly," she chuckles, but that nagging feeling doesn't disappear — something she seems to notice. "This is not your fault."

"Thank you, Laria," I reply curtly and she gives me a small smile.

"So, on a much lighter note, how was the private session with Malik?" Laria enquires suggestively and my eyes widen. "What? We've had residents marry each other before. I endorse it."

"Malik and I are just friends," I state quickly, my cheeks heating up at the suggestion.

"Oh, honey. Many a married couple have spoken the same exact sentence. If I'm being honest, I was standing outside long before I entered. I could feel the romantic atmosphere through the door, could practically taste it," she grins devilishly and I chuckle.

"Our relationship is purely platonic." Laria remains silent, instead electing to mouth a sarcastic 'okay', before continuing to sip her tea.

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