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Willa's P.O.V
Philby demanded that we share and ice cream! I wouldn't say I was sad about it. He picked a lot of strawberry but it actually was really good. All the Keepers talked, I really miss them! I have been wanting to be and Imagineer since 7th grade but I guess I can be cynical, but from being a Disnerd I have learned that a "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes." And also Charlene's favorite saying "DON'T LET BE YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS, JUST DO IT!" Philby/The Keepers is going to be so surprised when they find out, Guess who is going to get a job as an Imagineer? (Do you get my reference?) Now is a good time!
"Guys can I have your attention please?"
Surprisingly they heard me!
"I will be going to Disney School of Imagineering starting next semester!"
They all silently clapped and Philby stood up and hugged me!
"I have been waiting for that for a year," he said.
"Me Too!" I replied.
"Willa will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered in my ear while still engaged in a hug.
"Of course!" I said. Finally!
Finn's P.O.V
I'm really nervous! I can't believe I am going to propose! Everybody sit down and started talking quietly again.
"Excuse me everybody!" I said a little too loudly, the whole shop looked in our direction.
"Amanda Lockhart, you stole my heart! I don't know how I lived without you, or our 'Family'
Amanda's eyes teared up, all the girls squealed, and the boys gave thumbs up.
I took a deep breath and continued,
"I love you with all my heart and you make me so happy! I will always be here for you, our trust will never rust!
Amanda will you make me the happiest guy on earth and marry me?"
Amanda stopped crying for a second and said, "no!"
My heart stopped then she ran out of the shop!

You probably hate me, keep reading I promise you won't hate me!

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