Chapter Four

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            “Is anyone else besides me having trouble understanding this junk?” Camryn asked.

            The junk she was referring to was their geometry assignment. Having finished his lecture, Mr. Thomas gave them the few minutes they had left in class to get a head start on their homework. He always did this so the students had time to ask him for help before they had to try it on their own. Though Kara and her friends needed help, Mr. Thomas’ time was always monopolized by the cutest girls in the class who hung over his desk and let their boobs hang out of their shirts while he helped them.

            “I always have trouble with this junk,” Shirelle agreed.

            “Is that because you’re too busy drooling over Totally Hot Thomas or because you don’t understand it?” Kara teased.

            “Maybe a little of both,” Shirelle admitted.

            “What about you, Kara? Do you get this stuff?” Camryn asked.

            “Not at all,” Kara said.

            “Then why don’t you look worried?” Camryn asked.

            “Probably because Tate Florescue is a genius,” Shirelle guessed.

            Camryn’s eyes widened. “What?”

            “Tate’s a genius so he’s probably going to help her with her homework,” Shirelle explained. “Come to think of it, do you think he’d help me too?”

            “His last name is Florescue?” Camryn asked.

            “Yeah, why?” Kara said.

            “Nothing, that’s just a weird name,” Camryn answered.

            It was the same thing Irina said. The difference was that when Irina said it, Kara hadn’t thought it sounded like a lie. Just as Kara was about to ask her what the deal was, the bell rang to signal the end of their class.

            “Thank God,” Shirelle sighed.           

Shirelle and Kara were still gathering their things and stuffing them in their backpacks when Camryn shouldered hers and rushed out the door.

“Wonder what’s got her in such a hurry,” Kara said.

“Maybe she’s really excited to get to her Spanish class,” Shirelle joked.

“Or maybe it’s something else,” Kara said. “Did you notice how worried she seemed about hearing Tate’s last name?”

“I don’t think she was worried about that,” Shirelle disagreed. “She was probably worried that you were mad because she said it was weird.”

“So did Irina, but I didn’t get mad at her.”

“True, but she doesn’t know that, and we’ve only known her a week.”

Even though Shirelle’s explanation made sense, Kara suspected there was something else going on. Something she was going to ask Camryn about first chance she got.


            Tate’s last name was Florescue? The information supplied to him just moments ago was the missing piece of the puzzle. Now he understood why the guy was so interested in his keeper. What he didn’t understand was why Kara would be interested in Tate.

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