Chapter 9

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Thank you so much gotlotrgirl2002 for the new cover! Love you sis ♡


I hopped out of the car, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

Looking around at the immaculate stable yard, I could tell this Daniel Peters Person had a lot of money.

It made me feel a bit out of place in my favourite jodhpurs and just a plain white t-shirt under my dark blue jacket. I'd had the jodhpurs for nearly three years and although they were in good condition you can tell that they're getting a bit past it. The jacket isn't that bad, just a little scuffed up in places from certain things such as Hamoman rubbing his head on me (I swear I am his favourite scratching post!)

When Chloe didn't come back this morning, and still wasnt back at three in the afternoon, I called her to see if I could borrow her car to go to see Daniel Peters. She told me it was fine, and also apologized for not letting me know that she would be staying with Caleb for tonight as well as last night.

Thismorning and the early afternoon consisted of me just lazing around either reading or watching movies with Zig. I left at about quarter past four to ensure I would get here by five, and I'm only just in time.

A lady appeared out of a little office sort of room at the edge of the stable block. She had brunette hair done in a short bob and wore thick rimmed glasses. The glasses didnt really look right with her smart jodhpurs and navy blue riding jacket. She also looked to be in her late thirties, maybe early forties.

"You must be Emelia Johnson" she said with a smile.

I nodded, giving her a little smile in return.

"Come this way, Mister Peters is waiting for you at Storm Clouds stall." She beckoned for me to follow her and I did.

Inside the stable block there were large loose boxes up both sides, all of them with horses in them.

The horses were all gorgeous. The loose box doors all had brass name plates on them, and I read some of them as we went along.

They were interesting names: there was Ladybird, Sun Kisser, and other names like that, but also things like Death Bringer, Dragon Slayer, and Slasher.

The lady in front of me stopped at one of the loose boxes near the end of the left row and turned to me.

"Wait here for Mister Peters, please" she said, before walking back down the rows of loose boxes and disappearing.

I looked at the name plate of the stall she instructed me to wait by and saw that it was Storm Cloud.

I looked over the door, keen to get a close look at the horse that could take me to the top,  and saw a gorgeous dapple grey gelding standing looking at me with his ears pricked. His eyes were bright and full of life, and his conformation was perfect.

"Hello Handsone" I murmured leaning on the door and watching him.

He took a few steps towards me and pushed his nose as far as he could towards me, stretching his neck so that he didn't have to walk forward anymore.

I giggled quietly and reached a hand out towards him. He stretched his head out a tiny bit more, letting his nose touch my outstretched fingers before giving a short and prancing forward.

"Calm down" I laughed, reaching out and stroking his neck since he was now close enough.

He pushed his nose at my face and got slobber all over my cheek but I didn't mind. Laughing, I rubbed his dappled forehead, right between his eyes and I lowered his head to let me have better access, calming down in a matter of seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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