Chapter 5

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Chloe's 'apartment' turned out to be more like a small house. It. Was. Massive. 

Well, to me anyway, since the only places I have been in in like, forever, are my own tiny cottage and the apartment Caleb and Carter share. Mine and Caleb's child home was probably only a tiny bit bigger than Chloe's apartment!

The apartment has a kitchen which is twice the size of a usual kitchen because part of it is taken up by a large table. The floor is very shiny, polished wood that is so dark in color it is almost black.

There is also the biggest living room I have ever seen. It has two couches, a couple of bean bags, about two gazillion brightly colored cushions and the biggest television I have ever seen in my entire twenty six years of living. The carpet is thick and bright red, the walls are bare, save one full length window (It covers a whole, entire, fricking wall!!!!!!) that looks out over the town below. The curtains are a deep red and hang right down from the ceiling to the floor. Well, they would when they were closed. They're open at the moment.

The bathroom seems to follow a sort of ivory theme, it looks very expensive. I don't get to see into any of the main bedrooms, but they must be far better than the guest room because the guest room is, well, a guest room. 

The guest room is about five by five square meters. That's about three times my bedroom at home! There is a queen size bed in the corner next to the window and the carpet (Like all the rooms, excluding the kitchen and bathroom) is the same thick red carpet on the floor of the living room. A picture of a bunch of wild animals in what looks like Africa hangs above the bed. There is a chest of drawers, a walk in wardrobe, and a bedside table with a digital clock and a phone on it. The bed quilt is soft and velvety; dark blue and crimson checkered. There are about ten pillows, all with pillow cases matching the quilt on the bed.

"So this is where you'll be sleeping" Chloe smiles and sits down on the bed. "You'll be staying for a while, so feel free to put all of your stuff away wherever. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me"

I smile as Chloe turns to leave.

"Oh and by the way, my room mates will all be back around five. They're really nice people but they can be a bit, er, crazy sometimes" 

"Okay, thank you so much"

"No problem" Chloe smiles and I notice (not for the first time) how pretty she is. 

After Chloe leaves I arrange all my clothes in the chest of drawers (they only take up two of the drawers) and then rummage through my duffel bag to find something to read.  

My hand closes around something small right at the bottom of the bag. I pull it out and look at it. It's just a plain white piece of thin card about the size of a business card. I turn it over. It is that card that that Daniel Peters guy gave me. I sigh and flop down onto my bed. He told me to call if I wanted to do the whole going to Badminton thing. 

Should I call?

Suddenly the door of my room bangs open. I drop the card and stand up, staring at the figure standing in the door way.

"Hey there! Chloe told me we got a new room mate for a while! You her?"

"Uh, yeah" I take as tiny step backwards away from the crazy psychopath blocking my escape. Wait, was this one of Chloe's room mates?

I look closer at the guy and his enormous grin. He has thick blonde hair that is sticking out all over the place and a light dusting of freckles covers his and nose. He is tall, maybe even taller than Carter, and looks likes someone who might be described 'Lanky.'

"So, you new here?"

"Well have you seen me here before?" I snap, siting down on the edge of my bed again.

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