Chapter 2

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Myotismon awoke in a groggy, grumpy mood. Not fully awake, he rolled over, mushing his face into a large Gatomon plush. He grabbed it, choking it and murmuring into it's soft, minky fur. Alphamon sat in a chair next to him, reading an erotic book. The vampire digimon's eyes cracked open against his will and he looked around the room discreetly.

The bed he was on was large and soft, and the large grey comforter was pulled up to his ears. Plushies were lined up around the bed frame, creating the air of a more feminine owner. This clearly wasn't his room. But then again, he had been sleeping in caves for a while... The walls were painted a soft lavender color and the nightstand next to him had a small lamp. There was a small bookcase filled with children' books, and a few novels were scattered about on the dresser.

Myotismon huffed, closing his eyes again once he spotted Alphamon. He truly wished what he had experienced was all just a dream, but now he knew it wasn't. Tears flooded his eyes as he thought of his sweet little sister. He felt a weight on the bed, and a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm truly sorry, Myotismon. I thought she was only your servant. Honest."

"Doesn't matter. She's dead now." He croaked bitterly, his tears threatening to spill onto the pillow.

"What can I do to-"

"Kill me."

"I'm not doing that."

"You were fine with doing it earlier." He growled.

"That was before. This is now." He paused, staring at the floor, while the smaller 'mon lay staring at the nightstand angrilly. "Do you consider yourself a good digimon?" he said after a moment.

"I consider myself unfortunate, but I guess I'm a good digimon. I never killed anymon or hurt them unless in self defense." He said, softly.

"Well, that's why I can't kill you. It's the rule of the Royal Knights to kill only those that are evil. If you're a good digimon, I'm not allowed to kill you."

"Fuck." He huffed. "Even if it's the thing I want most?" He squeezed his eyes shut, the tears finally escaping. Alphamon frowned, feeling even worse. He had to make it up to him somehow. He grabbed the other into a tight embrace, positioning his head right above his digicore. Myotismon listened to the beating core, being reminded of his mother. The smaller 'mon clung to the larger, sobbing hard. He couldn't stop the flow of tears, thinking of all that he'd lost. His sister was dead. He was separated from his mother. His father disowned him. What else could go wrong?

The feeling of security Myotismon felt in the Royal Knight's arms was beyond anything he had felt before. He felt safe now. Loved. It was something he had longed for for ages. The thought occurred to him he was developing a crush on the larger 'mon. 

"Thank you." He murmured between sobs. "Thank you..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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