Chapter 1

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It wasn't the type of day one would think was good for fighting. It was hot, muggy, and pouring rain. Up in the sky, amongst regular and crimson colored lightning, were two powerful digimon, duking it out. A Pagumon stood watching them from the bushes on the edge if a nearby forest. She looked anxiously, wondering who was winning the battle above her. A smaller digimon fell from the sky, slamming into the ground below.

"Big brother!" The tiny digimon wailed, hopping to the side of the fallen digimon.

"I'm ok." he grunted,sitting up. "I can beat him. And then we can use his data to restore mom."

"But Myo! Your hurt!"

"Just a scratch. Don't worry." The in-training digimon didn't look convinced, but backed away regardless.

"Myotismon. The time has come." A voice boomed from above. "Your data will be absorbed by I, Alphamon, leader of the royal Knights."

"Ha! This battle has only begun, Alphamon!" The vampire digimon said, rising shakilly to his feet.

"You can barely stand. How will you fight like that?"

"You'd be surprised how resilient I can be." The ultimate level growled. Alphamon huffed confidently and prepared his attack. He struck out with his weapon, missing by only a few inches. Myotismon watched in what felt like the worst few seconds of his life as his little sister was slaughtered before him, converted into data. He stared in horror at the data floating away, sinking to his knees.

"Good. Now you won't have help from your subordinates." Myotismon clenched his fists tightly.

"Subordinates.....?" He growled softly. He slowly rose to his feet, his eyes shadowing over with grief. A tear fell to the ground from the smaller digimon's face,and he whirled to face his opponent. "You bastard! That was my sister! My baby sister! The only family I have left!" He dropped to his knees again, sobbing profoundly, shaking with each one.

Not expecting such a convincing show of emotion from a digimon like this, Alphamon stood speechless and confused.

"Your sister?" He said, dumbfounded. It couldn't be... Myotismon was an evil digimon by nature! Surely this was a ruse!

But it wasn't until several minutes later that the Vampire digimon calmed down. He sat sniffling softly, looking defeated.

"What are you waiting for?" He said softly, his eyes glued to the spot the younger digimon disappeared from.

"I'm sorry?"

"Weren't you going to kill me?"


"Then hurry up." He said, sounding choked up. "Kill me."

"What kind of game are you-"

"Just fucking kill me!" He demanded angrily, tears streaming down his face like a waterfall. The Royal Knight paused, then shook his head.

"I can't."

"Why not?! You were going to a second ago!"

"This... this isn't right." Both digimon paused a moment, nit speaking. "Come with me. I'll get you something to eat,and I'll patch up your wounds." He said, holding out his hand. Myotismon remained where he was, silent as a grave. "Myotismon?"

"Fine." He said softly, silently wishing he was dead. The thought occurred to him that Alphamon was trying to apologise for what he did, but it was little consolation. He shakilly got up, only to faint from exhaustion right after.

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