The Real Reason

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After yesterday's extravaganza in locker room, I figured I should try my plan B- wait, if he wants to talk, he'll call. Although this is probably the more desperate option, Im for it.

*three days later*

Dang it! Just what I needed. All my books are all over the floor thanks to some nimrod who thought it would be funny to bump into me and leave without helping. What a jerk. Suddenly, I see a hand helping me pick up my mess. I look up to see the man who had helping me to tell him thank you. It was JJ. The man who hadnt called or texted. The man who probably deleted my number and was just asking for it to be nice. I figured it would be fine if I made conversation even if it was just a couple of words.
"Thank you" I say
"No problem" He replies.
Should I ask him about not talking to me? Before I can even think about it, it just starts to flow on out of my mouth.
"So, did you lose my number in the long pile of numbers you probably have stacked up?"
"I tried calling you and texting you. I figured you didn't want to talk to me so you gave me the wrong number.."
"Wow, I never got the texts or calls. Im pretty sure I gave you the right number"
*JJ pulls out his phone to check*
"534-245" he asked
"Oh my gosh. I must have accidently given you the wrong number. It's 534-254."
"Let me just change that"
"Okay" I say trying to not blush.
"Well, I guess I will be talking to you soon"
I walk away and look down at my phone. Weird, it started ringing right as I walked away. I pull it out and look down. JJ was calling me.

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