Chapter 2

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Stephen's POV

I know how I have messed up with Stella, I acted like a real dick. Well I was mad for a fucking reason.

I wish I could fill her up with what was on my mind. Now the only thing I have is hope, to have a moment to make her understand and wish this trip with her goes really well.

Of course I loved her and I still love her and always will, I should have made it up to her before but couldn't because I know her problem with this attitude she has, she would close me up before I could even have a moment.

I know one fact sure,'True friends are never apart maybe in distance but never in heart' ,so I will surely be a total combine soul to her and make her understand and make her mine again more than what she was once to me.

Now I'm heading with my family to the airport. I will meet her and the Collin's family there. Gosh!!! I'm damn excited


At Airport
I have arrived with my family at the airport and my eyes are only searching for that one hot sweet heart who never stopped crossing my mind as soon as I get up from my sleep or before I go to my sleep.

I saw a guy with a hood on his head came near my brother, Terry from behind I didn't knew till he jumped on him and screamed,
Well it was Stev, even they are best friends from childhood like me and Stel but I guess we were more close and now I don't know, uh! my mind, it's getting messed up again.

Well after we met Stev both Terry and Stev were wrestling on each other as usual.

"boys cut it, get off the ground you two".
Well finally I found my Stella as she walked in and stopped the boys and broke my patience. She looks more beautiful than ever but she has gone thin. I can't believe how much I have waited to look at my gorgeous girl since the day I got to know we were spending our vacation together.

She looked towards me and exclaimed in excitement ,
"Mrs Austin it's so good to see you",
she passes by me without noticing, or ignoring and meets my mom, I fell a lot terrible but can't do anything about it, it was my fault after all and girls have a remarkable memory and know when to give their punches at the right time and she gave me one while passing me.

My mom and Stel are hugging and mom gives her a kiss on her forehead and I see Mrs Collin comes near us and I go and greet her, well our mom's meet and every one is really excited for the trip to start. I look towards Stel hopping to start a conversation.

"Stel were's Mr Collins"
I say, but

Mrs Collins reply's
"he went to check for the departure",

"so did dad go to find out"
said Terry,

both intrup us and Stel takes a distance and goes towards our brothers.

We wait for dad's and everyone's talking but for me and Stel and as I try to go near to talk she walks away trying to get distance between us again, and if this continues I won't be able to clear up the fight and we won't talk, I don't know maybe forever, and I can't live with that.

While we are waiting I hear a voice from behind "Hey" as I turn she falls in to give me a good friendly hug. It was Trixie my friend from my class, I asked her what was she doing here and she exclaimed,
"I'm heading to California with Ted, Aiden, Ana, Shelly, and Cathleen for vacation trip just for two weeks not more, and I wish you would join us, it'll be a blast."

"I'm sorry I can't as I'm going with my family and our family friend and can't miss it for the world I must say", I say with a smirk.

She frowns "what do you mean you can't...", she doesn't even complete her sentence and we get intrupted by my best friend Aiden,
"miss it for the world means his dad won't allow him to miss his trip with his family, right Stephen?"

"Exactly" i say confirming that Aiden is right.

I know why Aiden said like that he is really clevrr , because if Trixie starts asking questions I will have to miss my flight to explain her and I wouldn't do that. I and Aiden are best friends and he knows all about me and Stel. We give each other a manly hug and break apart after talking for a while and say good bye.

After few minutes
"Here comes dad and Mr Austin"
yells Terry and we get ready to head towards the plane for our departure.

As we are going for departure I'm praying to get a seat beside Stel. I'm not if I will.


In plane...

Stella's Pov

Darn, I'm so mad at Stephen Austin, I feel like making him my punching bag right now. Who was that girl anyways? I'm cursing her, how can she just hug and how could he let her hug him? Uh! I'm so pissed...

At last we are in the plane and I knew that I would be sitting with my brother while Steph would be sitting next to his.

I don't know why there's been a constant fight between my mind and heart, or should I say my ego and my heart, but the fight has turned to fire and I might go exploding like a valcano.

Ugh! I feel I'm so terrible, and why the hell did I wish I should get a seat next to him and then I would apologise for my behaviour for ignoring him and hug him, I think its best I ain't talking to him.

I'm gonna start talking to him, its not like I can ignore him forever but when he apologies and explains me why he did, well whatever he did and who the heack the girl was and how could he let her hug him.

I'm sitting next to my brother eating his sour candy biting to end of the sourness and did not see he was watching.

"are you okay? Do you have fear of heights? Last time I checked you weren't scared of anything" he said teasing me.

I frown at him,
"I ain't scared of anything, unlike you little bro" I say with a smirk teasing him back.

The planes about to start but Terry and Stev are fighting to sit next to each other and this would mean I will have to sit next to Stephen, this can't happen, I know when I entered the airport I wished for it but I wanna take my wish back 'no please don't' I cry in my mind but no one hears it and our parents ask me and Stephen to sit together while our brothers sit together beside us in the middle of the plane.

I ain't going to talk to him, I'm just so mad feel like punching him on his face. He is stuck on his phone again I just can't believe him.

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