Chapter Ten

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I sat up in my bed and stretched. I didn't know what time it was; I still couldn't read the clock. However, what I did know was that Clawd was still sound asleep. But, he had migrated to the rocking chair at some point. My father opened the door and walked over to my bed.

"It's almost six," he said, pulling the covers off of me. I pulled them back on. I picked up my pillow and threw it at Clawd. I was certain he only woke up out of pure shock.

"It's six o' clock," I said. Clawd sat straight up in the chair, glancing at the clock next to him. "At night," he stretched, pulling the blanket back onto him.

"Well, both of you need to come downstairs for supper," my father said, turning and leaving the room. Even though he wasn't still in the room, I still nodded. It was pure habit; I was really good at nodding. And shrugging. Those were my two biggest talents. I threw the covers off of me, immediately regretting the decision. Why was I always so cold?

"I'm gunna take a shower. Um, the guest bathroom is right across the hall if you wanted to take one, too," Clawd nodded and stood up. He wrapped his arms around himself, keeping himself warm, which was exactly what I was doing.

"Geez. You're house is freezing," I nodded.

"I know," I said. I was having trouble keeping my teeth from chattering. I grabbed a nice, warm turtleneck from my closet, and a pair of jeans from the shelf above my dresser. I didn't wear jeans often, it felt weird compared to my skirt and leggings. But, hey, I was freezing to death. Un-death? Yeah, I don't know. Either way, I was freezing. I walked into my own bathroom with my clothes for the day and locked the door. I turned on the shower, the hot water, and got undressed. I jumped into the shower and let the hot water run over me. I was timing it this time; I wasn't going to get burnt this time. I was going to stand in hot water for exactly two minutes and then turn it to cold water so that I didn't get burnt.

Normally, around the one and a half minute mark, I start burning from the water. But, I wasn't burning. It felt nice and warm. So, I didn't change the water temperature. I washed my hair and myself and rinsed off. Even though I was now warm and clean and whatnot, I still just stood in the shower. What was happening to me? First, I was having troubles with seeing and now the ninety degree water wasn't burning me. I definitely needed to see Veronica. Soon. I got out of the shower and put my hair up in one towel, and wrapped another one around myself. I got as close to the clock as I could to see how long I had been in the shower. A whole half hour.

I dried myself off and got dressed. I re-wrapped the towel around my head to keep my still damp hair off my back. I walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light. I walked out of my room and turned off that light, too. I walked downstairs, the aroma of warm strawberries filling the kitchen and the hallway. Clawd sat in the kitchen, a plate full of food that I couldn't see because everything looked blurry to me. I walked up to the counter and filled my plate up with pancakes, strawberries, and cool whip. I poured myself a glass of chocolate milk and set it all on the table, managing to trip over the leg of the table. I pulled out my chair and sat down, not wanting to fall on my face if I tripped on something again.

Clawd finished eating before me and my father didn't really eat a lot. He was a vampire; vampires don't need to eat food-food to live. Most of them, other than myself, drank blood and that kinda......... stuff. I stood up and washed my plate and cup, still trying my best to not trip on anything. I walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. I opened the door and looked outside. We had to have gotten more than three feet of snow. However, someone had already come out and cleared a path from my doorway and to the road.

"Dad! I'm going over to see Frankie for a little bit. Not long. Are you ok with that?" I waited for a reply, but got none. He walked into the foyer, Clawd standing behind him.

Life Within Crystalfort: Our Story Continues - Part One [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now