Chapter 2

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Tales of Snow White:

Snow-white and Rose-red

Classic Fairy Tales, retold by Helen Cresswell

"There was once a poor widow who lived in a lonely cottage. In the garden were two rose trees, and one of them bore white flowers and the other red. She also had two daughters, and one was called Snow-white and the other Rose-red.

The children were so fond of each other that they went everywhere together. When Snow-white said, "We will not leave each other," Rose-red would answer, "Never so long as we live," and the mother would add, "What one has she must share with the other."

Where is Rapunzel?


If I scrunched my toes in my shoes, I could make it 28 steps across my room. I counted the space so many times – it never changed, but I kept counting. I even tallied the cracks that aged the ceiling and the patterns in the stone walls. When confined alone on days without end, you started to pick up habits...often times compulsive habits – like counting. Even the freckles on my arms were repeatedly calculated. Looking upon the only mirror in my room, which was a chipped handheld reflector that used to belong to my mother, I assured myself every morning that the number of freckles on my nose hadn't increased from the day before and the blonde hairs on my hair remained the same.

Besides all these peculiar behaviors, the biggest thing that received my obsessive attention was my dancing. It was the thing that gave me relief from my neurotic tendencies. I used most of my time in the 28 step space of my room to choreograph and perform my perfected dance routines. If it wasn't for dance, I was pretty confident my mind would have gone crazy from the monotony and solitary of my life. At least dance gave me joy.

...I'm still working on this chapter :)

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