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Once upon a time in a kingdom far away, there were two heirs to the throne – princess cousins named Rapunzel and Snow White. The two joyful girls were the same age and closer than any cousins could be. However, their charmed lives came to an abrupt hault when Rapunzel was kidnapped from her bedchamber at six years old. Fear ran through the castle that Snow white would be stolen next, and any happy remnant of her leftover childhood years quickly evaporated along with her cousin and best friend.

This story is about me, Snow White, who never gave up hope in finding my cousin. Ever since that first morning I woke up to the castle being in chaos over the discovery of Rapunzel's kidnapping, I never doubted for an instant that my cousin was utterly lost. Even after her search turned into weeks and then into months and then finally into a decade, I never faltered from my deep conviction that there was still hope.

You'd think after so many years I'd finally succumb to what seemed to be the inevitable outcome of my cousin's abduction, but I wouldn't allow myself to admit such a possibility. I knew once I was even tempted to consider any other option, the only blissful memories I had left of my childhood would be completely distinguished. I couldn't and wouldn't let that happen. So, I desperately clung onto all of the light I had left – even if it was just a little.

I had to grow up quickly through the years, and part of that came from learning to deal with sorrow at an early age. Reality came as a slap in the face when things took a sharp turn in my life. No longer did I meander through my upbringing; instead, I was practically thrust into adulthood and expected to take the necessary steps to accomplish my duties as a princess.

I missed my cousin terribly, but I hardly had time to mourn. Given my belief she was still alive, my grief wouldn't have lasted long anyways. At six years old, girls usually worried about how to fix their doll's hair for the next pretend tea party – I worried about the fate of the entire kingdom if Rapunzel never returned or if the same person came and kidnapped me.

Yes, my childhood worries were very out of the ordinary of other children.

This is story begins 10 years after Rapunzel's disappearance – where I go on my own rescue mission to find her.

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