1: Things Were Getting Heated

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The debate was getting heated between Hilary and Donald. Donald had been continuously roasting Hilary and Hilary couldn't take it anymore. Suddenly, after what he had said made her snap.

"Hillary Clinton, how about Hilary Cliton! She's probably a freak in the sheets. How is she gonna take control of America if she lets all men take control of her?!?"

Hilary broke down in tears and stormed off the stage. Donald chuckled at her and continued until the host came on and told the viewers that they'd be going on commercial break.

Producers quickly chased after Hilary. Donald trailed behind, amusement evident in his smirk.

When they found Hilary, she had no longer been crying.

"Hilary, are you ok?"

"Hilary, what was that?"

"Hilary, can you continue?"

Then Hilary responded, "I want to talk to Donald." She looked up at Donald through her eyelashes. "Alone..." She whispered.

Donald wasn't expecting that, but he was excited. He was finally gonna have alone time with Hilary Hoe...Maybe he could really see if she let men take control of her...

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