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[In my imagination your wait lying on your side
With yours hands between your thighs
Id probaly still adore you even with your hands around my neck]
Artic monkeys

Taras P.O.V
daryl has pretty much now living with me. We have had sex most days this week.

We were sitting at the table eating eggs and bacon before school. We hoped up early so we would have time to eat. I was just about to put another peice of bacon in my mouth when realisation hit me and vomit was rising in my throat from the fear. I put a hand over my mouth and took deep breaths.

"Hey ye alright?" Daryl asked, putting his hand on my back.

"We didnt use protection daryl" i say. Anger and fear evident in my voice.

He just sat there. He tugged at his hair but didnt say anything.

"Well? What the fuck do we do?" I screamed.

"W-w-we will have to get a-a test" he mumbled out. He was still tugging at his hair.

I grabbed my bag and keys and stormed out to the car. I cant believe we didnt even think of that. I wasnt on the pill but i was planning on making an appointment to go to the docters and start it.

Daryl followed behind me and we were at the store in minutes. I voilently grabbed 4 tests and threw them on the counter. The young cashier looked slightly scared, quickly scanning them and mumbling out the price. I paid him and stormed out. Daryl slagged behind me and hoped in the passenger side.

"Babe dont worry its most probaly-"

"Its most probaly what daryl? Its most probaly nothing? Is a child nothing daryl? I could be pregnant. We have had sex 5 times this week unprotected. Unprotected daryl!" I scream at him, getting close to his face.

"You will be fine! Stop fucking worrying. Ye aint pregnant!" He screamed back. I huffed out and hit the steering wheel out of anger.

"Fucking hell daryl" i mumble. I turn the car on and drive home. From the look of this morning, i dont think either one of us is going to school.

We get home and i through my bag on the floor and storm into the bathroom and slam the door shut. I pull down my pants and sit on the toilet. I pee on the stick and put it on the counter. I stand and wait for 5 minutes. I take a deep breath and look at the stick to see a +. I feel tears spring in my eyes. But i try and tell myself im not. Its one stick out of four. I pee again on the second stick and wair another 5 minutes. +.

The rest of the morning is filled with peeing on the next stick. - . I breath out in relief. Maybe im not.

The finale one. I waited a few hours and walked slowly into the bathroom and peed on the stick. I stood there with more nerves than before and waited an extremely long 5 minutes. When it was over i picked up the stick and tears fell from my face faster than i could comprehend. I threw the stick into the bin and fell on the floor.


My life was over. I had now ruined mine and daryls lives. Yes ofcourse i wanted kids, but now? I wasnt ready to be a mother. I was still a kid. And daryl made it pretty clear that he doesnt want a child. Ever.

I walk out of the bathroom and still crying. Daryl rushes over and pulls me into his arms.

"What they say?" He mumbles into my head. I nod my head not wanting to answer.

"I-i-im pregnant daryl. Im s-so sorry" i sobbed out. His face gave away that he was more than scared. But in all fear and worry daryl pulled me back into his arms.

"Shhh we will go have a test. It might come back positive. Stop worrying" he says, trying to calm me.

"I cant stop worrying daryl. If im pregnant, which im positive i am, i have ruined both mine and your life." I yell at him.

"This wasnt just yer fault. It takes two people to make a baby. Our lives will be fine. I promise. We will work it out" he says.

"You didnt even want a child daryl. You hate them. 'They talk too much" i mock. He shakes his head.

" but this is my child tara. My child. It can talk as much as it wants, i will always love it. Like i will always love you" god hes more than i deserve. I fall back into his arms and sob even more.

Daryl called up and booked in for a test. Lucky for us they booked us i in today. Which i was happy and scared about. I was happy so i wouldnt have to worry about it and scared because we would know for sure.

Daryl drove us to the clinic and we hoped out and walked in hand in hand. We sat in the waiting room for nearly 2 hours, daryl bouncing his leg nervousilty the whole time.

"Tara friar?" We stood up, daryl grabbing my hand tightly. We follow the nurse into a room in which she closes the door behind us.

"Take a seat." She says, pointing to the bed.

"What can i do for you two?" We looka at each other.

"I t-think i may be pregnant" i mumble out. She nods, surprisingly she isnt surprised.

"Why dont we have a look? Is he the father" she says, looking at daryl. We both nod our heads.

"Okay, lift your shirt up for me sweetheart and ill put some of this gel on your stomach. Its gonna be pretty cold" she warns. I nod and daryl moves his chair so i can hold his hand. She squirts the gel onto my stomach and i jump slightly and the cold feeling on my stomach. She spreads it out and looks at the screen.

"I can confirm you are indeed pregnant" i feel my heart drop and the same vomit feeling rise in my stomach. Daryl realises this and rubs his hand up my arm.

"Ill leave you two for a minute" she hopes up and leaves, closing the door gently behind her. As soon as the door closes daryl has my face in his hands.

"We are going to be fine, okay? I promise you. This baby is never not going to be loved. Its going to be a healthy, loved, well looked after child okay? Stop worrying please. I aint leaving you. And i sure as hell aint leaving my little boy or baby girl. Okay?" I nod at him and hug him tightly.

The nurse re-enters a few minutes later.

"I printed out the picture of your baby. You wont be able to find out the gender til 16 weeks. Which is in 14 weeks times. I will book you in for another appointment at 8 weeks. So in 6 weeks. Is that okay?" We both nod our heads and she hands us the picture. You can see the small jelly bean shaped child. I can see the smile on daryls face as he places his finger on the small human.

"Thats our baby" he whispers. I nod my head and kiss him passionatly on the lips.

"We made that" i whisper back.

"And we will love it" he says back.

Wow ive finally updated.
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Stay street.
Stay safe.
Stay alive

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