Chapter 10

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"We should have done that on the bed," Ben groaned as he cracked his back. Cassie stretched her body and sat up at the end of the bed. "Well, we did...the second time," she told him with a laugh. He chuckled as he started gathering his clothes up from the floor. 

He grabbed Cassie's as well and handed them to her. As she was buckling her belt, Ben came up behind her and stopped her. "You know," he said in her ear, "it's not like we're going anywhere." She let out a light laugh and told him, "Yeah, but we will be. We need to talk about a day." 

He let her finish buckle her belt, then said, "Tonight." She turned to him and gave a double take. "What?" She asked. "Tonight? But your leg isn't completely healed and-and we still need to see what guards are going to be watching us, not to mention--mmph." Ben shut her up with a hard kiss. 

When he pulled back, he told her, "We are going to do this. We're going to get back home and we're going to be together." He kissed her again. She lightly pushed him back and asked, "What are we going  to say to Tom and Sharon?"

Clearly he hadn't thought about that because he looked at a loss. "Let's just focus on getting out of here," he told her. 


Tom's P.O.V.

He couldn't believe this. He couldn't believe how easily everyone gave up on them. They've been gone for nearly three weeks, but he knows they're still out there. But here he is, about to give a eulogy to two empty graves with rocks piled on them. 

"Tom," Mark said, after giving his own little speech, "you had known them longest. Perhaps you can share some stories." Tom looked around to all the grieving faces, especially from Tony, Richard, Adrian, and Rob. Sharon was sobbing her heart out and Mark had to continue to comfort her like he's been doing for the past few weeks. 

Tom cleared his throat and prepared to say something, but then started laughing and shook his head. "Mark is right," he said, "I have known them the longest. I've known them for five years. And I know that they aren't dead. They're still out there, though I don't know where. They're soldiers, they're marines, special forces. I've seen them deal with much worse. They may be hurt, they may be hiding out somewhere, but I intend to find them."

He started walking away and Tony, Richard, Adrian, and Rob followed. They all charged into the armory and started grabbing weapons. "Rob, have you even shot one of these before?" Richard asked. Rob cocked back his gun and said, "I make these, pretty boy. I think I know how to use them." 

He then pointed the gun at a practice target and shot at it. He missed the target and hit the wall beside it. "I'm a little rusty," he muttered. 

Tom gathered the rest of what he needed into a gun bag and slung it over his shoulder. "We'll gather some food, water, but then we go. You have three minutes." 


Ben/Cassie P.O.V.

"It's that prick guard that choked you," Ben whispered as he tried to squeeze his face further into the cell bars to see down the hall. "Him and the one that was with him before. This is going to be too easy." 

He brought his face back and looked to Cassie. "Ready?" He asked. She had to stifle her laugh when she saw a red mark down his face from the bar. Ben touched his face and felt what she was laughing about. 

"Shut up," he chuckled. They stopped after a few moments and just looked at each other. "I love you," he told her. She smiled, then leaned up and kissed him and said, "I know. I love you, too." After a moment, they both went up to the cell bars, then gave each other a nod.

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