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My head is killing me but I'll update but it may suck.

As I laid in bed a nurse walked in with a tight nurses dress on. Gross.

"Okay phil my name is Jennie and doctor Clark told me you can be released also go on a date with me." She said

"Thank you" I stood up and got dressed. She just told looking at me.

I looked at her and walked over to her "Also I'm in a relationship with an amazing man and besides I'm still in high school."

I said walking out. Her eyes flashed red and I smirked at her I walked out the hospital and called a taxi to take me to the jail.


Was in big letters along the building. I walked inside and people stared. I walked to the desk and asked for dan.

An officer gave me a pass and walked to the visiting room. He grabbed dan  from his cell and brought him to the room.

Dan did not notice me. His eyes so dull it was saddening. He was pushed into the seat by the officer and I grabbed his hands and he looked at me and his eye brightened a little.

"Hey baby" I said and he smiled "Hey Philly" We talked till visiting hours were over and I kissed his lips and left.

I got a taxi to my house and got ready for school lot of explaining to do.

I got home and showered, I grabbed an apple from the kitchen and watched television for an hour and decided I should go to bed.

I got out some jeans and one of Dan's t-shirts for tomorrow. I climbed into bed and Dan's scent hit my nose.

I fell asleep wishing he was there. Not to me. Holding me.

Morning rolled around and I stood up and got ready for school. It's been a while since I've been maybe i still have a chance to pass.

I got into one of Dan's shirts and my jeans and fixed my hair and walked out. I saw Evan from across the street and waved at him.

As I walked out thought about all the shit we have been through. Fights, hospitals, jail.

Is this relationship going to work? Of course it is I am not going to give up on us just because of this it is making is stronger.

I walked into the building my head held high. My eyes were a dull blue but it was there. I went to my locker and got my stuff for 1st period.

As the bell rang I walked to my class and sat in the back and looked at the empty seat beside me. Dan.

People were constantly asking me where dan was. Why was he in jail. Will he come back.

I ignored all these questions I had to much on my mind with grades making dan plead not guilty.

I have tons of work to catch up on and tons of police visit to tell dan I love him and I'll make sure he is not guilty. I will prove then wrong even if I take his place.

1 month layer

I caught up on all of my work same for dan. I brought in his work and helped him. So he will pass also and we can graduate and be out of school.

The trail for set for tomorrow and i was a mess. What if he is considered guilty.  I held Dan's hand and he told me how he is fine. I am fine. We are fine.

I hugged him from across the table and cried. Not framing just sadness. Hurt. Love. Regret. Hopelessness.

I didn't find the evidence from the basement cause I never made it there I was caught up seeing dan.

"Please rise for judge lee" as the trail went on and everyone was now seating quietly it was now the time everyone was waiting for.

"Daniel James howell pleases guilty for the murder of Derek Thompson." The judge said before he hit the table

I stood up " objection" I said "i did it and I have the proof!" And everyone gasped.

"Where is this proof?" Judge lee said and I stood up. I showed the scar from where Derek stabbed me.

"I did it for my self defense and to save dan" I pulled my shirt down and the doors to the court room swung open and there stood officer Dennis.

"I have proof. A few officers went to visit the crime scene. There was a Video camera that recorded the whole thing." Officer Dennis said and played the video for everyone.

I was crying the attack was painful to watch like we were living through it again.

Everyone's eyes were on the screen and some were in shock. Pure shock.

After the Video finished I hugged dan.

"After seeing this piece of evidence I discharge Mister Howells jail time. I plead Daniel James howell not Guilty."

I cried and hugged dan and kissed him in the middle of the court room.

Been a little while but I have not been feeling good at all. I have been having bad headaches and today I was real nauseous but decided I need to update so here we go :)

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