Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guys SgtJay here bringing you the fifth chapter of Two Siblings. Hope you guys enjoy. As always I want to thank LPP for writing this with me. SgtJay out.

Rose was starting to feel a little sick "i don't feel well brother" Rose said weakly.

Flame "Well once we get home sis, I'll have Marshall look you over. That sound good sis?"

Rose just moaned as she started to feel more unwell.

Flame was getting worried

Rose was also in a lot of pain but didn't show it or tell anyone.

A couple minutes later, they arrived at the lookout to find that Chase's pup house was gone.

Marshall (He must have gotten it after we left.) Marshall pushed his tag "Hey Eco?"

Rocky answered "Yes Marshall what's up"?

Marshall "Chase's pup house is gone."

Rocky "Oh well saw that coming by the way Marshall come to my pup house tonight i got something to ask you please".

Marshall "Of course Eco. I'll see you later tonight". Marshall thought angrily (Fucking Zuma. The way he acted was completely uncalled for and now my best friend is gone because of him.) Marshall stopped his ambulance and started crying.

When Marshall stopped his ambulance suddenly Rose was thrown forward into a wall and hit her head knocking her out as blood starting coming out of her nose.

Flame went over to Rose and stopped the blood from coming out of Rose's nose. "Everest go check on Marshall please."

Everest nodded and went up the front to check on Marshall "Marshall you alright"?

Marshall turned to face Everest and shook his head "No I will never be alright. Because of Zuma, my best friend is gone forever." He just let the tears fall.

Everest hugged Marshall "Oh Marshall i'm sure Chase will come back i'm sure of it".

Marshall "No he won't not as long as Zuma is here or until he apologizes."

Everest "i'm sure Chase will come back to see you Marshall after all you are his best friend".

Marshall "No he won't. He refuses to come back and it's all because *gets out of his ambulance and walks over to a tree* of *punches the tree hard in anger* fucking *punches it again hard* ZUMA! *hits it again breaking it in half and causes his paw to bleed* It's all his fucking fault!"

Everest sighed "Well i really can't disagree with him on that well".

Rose started to come to and yelped loudly.

Flame "Shh its ok Rose. Just a little hit on the head was all. It will be alright."

Rose yelped again "It hurts so much".

Marshall didn't care that his paw was bleeding "If I see Zuma again, I may not be able to stop myself from killing the heartless bastard."

Rocky meanwhile was lying in his pup house thinking about something important.

Marshall then remembered he was supposed to meet Rocky in his pup house. "Damn it. I was supposed to go see Rocky" and he went over to Rocky's pup house and accidentally knocked on Rocky's door with his bleeding paw and he winced in pain.

Rocky opened his door and saw Marshall "Hey my love are you alright"?

Marshall shook his head and sighed "No love I'm not. I hit a tree in anger and caused my paw to bleed."

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