Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys SgtJay bringing you chapter 4 of Two Siblings. I just want to thank LPP for writing this story with me. Anyway enjoy the chapter. SgtJay out.

Rocky, Everest, Chase: LPP

Shadow, Zero, Flame, Marshall, Ryder: SgtJay

Chapter 4

Everest woke up just before sunrise and noticed Rose wasn't lying on her anymore. Everest looked around for Rose before waking Flame up.

Everest "Flame wake up wake up"!

Flame woke up suddenly "Who? What? Where? Oh it's you Everest. What's up?"

Everest "Rose is missing Flame she isn't here at all"!

Flame was shocked "WHAT?! SHE'S GONE?" He tapped Everest's tag. "Rocky? Its Flame."

Rocky woke up from his nap at the sound of his pup tag "Yer Flame what's up"?

Flame "Rose is missing and we can't find her in the shop."

Rocky "you mean your little sister oh that's not good what she is only a month old she shouldn't be out by herself at that age".

Flame "I would go but my paw is still fucking healing. Can you have the PAW Patrol help?"

Rocky "Sure thing Flame i will go get Ryder right now Rocky out" Rocky ended the called and ran into the lookout "RYDER, RYDER"!

Ryder looked up from his pup pad. "Yes Rocky? And was it Flame that called?

Rocky "yes it was Rose is missing we must find her quickly"!

Ryder "Hmm that's not good. Wait I forgot to tell Everest something. I believe she has a tag for Flame. I was thinking of making him an official member."

Rocky "Oh thats cool but Ryder we have to find Rose remember she is only a month old she won't last long where ever she is".

Ryder "True and we might need Everest." He presses a button on his pup pad. "PAW Patrol to the Lookout."

Rocky giggled "Ryder needs us" Rocky ran into the lift.

At the top, Ryder noticed that they were one pup short.

Ryder "Has anyone seen Chase?"

Rocky "Nope not at all".

Zuma lowered his head "The last I saw him was when we were fighting. And I haven't seen him since. But I did find this." He holds out Chase's smashed pup tag.

Rocky sighed "Another pup tag to fix great" Rocky looked at Ryder "We don't have time to waste Ryder we need to find Rose right away"!

Ryder "Right. I need everyone to spread out. Look for her everywhere. Rocky. You and me are going to check the forests while Skye looks from the air. PAW Patrol is on a roll"

Rocky nodded "GREEN MEANS GO"!

Meanwhile somewhere is the forest far away from Adventure Bay Rose slowly came to and noticed she was on the side of a river. Rose tried to get up and as she tried she was hit with a massive amount of pain though her whole body and paws. She tried to walk and just kept falling down.

Ryder "Rocky any luck?"

Rocky "No sign of Rose anywhere Ryder this is bad".

Meanwhile Rose had made it to a small cave after what seemed like hours of painful walking.

Ryder "I don't think she is anywhere in Adventure Bay Rocky."

Rocky signed "you maybe right Ryder we got to find her let's keep looking".

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