[0.3 - jealousy]

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It's been two days since Jack moved to Beacon Hills and he currently finds himself throwing a plastic ball in the air as he lays on Stiles' bed. Stiles has been on edge all day since he found out that wolf hairs had been found on the crime site.

"So what exactly are we doing?" Jack asked as he sits up and stares at Stiles who's too busy typing away on his laptop.

"I'm getting evidence that Scott was bitten by a werewolf!" Stiles exclaimed as he buried his face into a brown book.

"Are you serious?" Jack laughed as Stiles gave flashed him the finger, still invested into his research. "Why do you say that? Werewolves don't exist, Stiles!"

"Then explain what's happening to Scott! One day he's clumsy and barely gets any field time before that wolf attack. And within two minutes of running he would need his inhaler, now he can practice without needing it!" Stiles cried as he broke away from his book for a second to stare at Jack.

"Maybe he's a medical mystery." The platinum hair boy suggested, standing up and leaning over Stiles to read what his laptop said.

"So are you going to help me or just look pretty?"

"You think I'm pretty?" Jack asked, batting his eyes as Stiles scoffed and picked up a couple of books and went to lay on his bed while Jack took over the laptop.

"So why am I helping with this again?" Jack asked, as he stared at the list that Stiles wrote down about Scott's new abilities.

"Because then I won't give you a ride home later."

"You do realize that I live next door to you, right?"

"Shut up and start typing."

The research went on for sometime, Stiles telling Jack to search up certain things and print out pictures of black and white photos of old werewolf paintings. Jack felt the energy slip away as he started to yawn time to time. Soon a knock interrupted them, causing Stiles to drop a book as he jumped. Closing the laptop, Jack stood up and opened the door to reveal the familiar pair of puppy dog eyes smiling at him.

"Are you on drugs?" Jack asked as Stiles waved Scott to come in.

"You gotta see this thing." Stiles said as he began to scurry around his room. "I've been-"

"We've." Jack corrected as he went to go sit on Stiles bed to look at the pictures he had printed out.

"We've been up all night reading. Websites, books. All this information."

"How much Adderall have you had today?" Scott asked, an amused expression apparent on his face.

"A lot." Jack stated as he grabbed the bottle to reveal only half a bottle left.

"Doesn't matter." Stiles muttered as he glared at Jack, then turned his attention to Scott. "Okay, just listen."

"Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?"

"No, they're still questioning people, even Derek Hale."

"Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day."

Jack Frost » Allison Argent [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now