[0.1 - the move]

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"Where are you going?" Sophia asked as she watched her older brother carrying his ice skates and hockey stick in his right hand. There was an opened box in his other that carried minor thing; trophies, medals, and pictures. He placed in on the floor next to all the other boxes that were going in his mother's van and went towards the coat rack.

"Going to go skate around the lake a bit and hit a couple of pucks in a net." The boy answered, grabbing his heavy coat and throwing it on, "This is my last chance to anyways."

"Don't be so dramatic, there's a ice rink in Beacon Hills and you can join an ice hockey team there." Sophia stated as she finished tapping her last box of things. A couple of weeks ago, their mother had them pack up all their things so that it would be there by the time they arrived, yet they still had a couple of items around.

Jack rolled his eyes at his sister's response as he quickly exited the house. Jack trudged towards the lake, angrily passing by a window which started to frost over. As the boy reached the snow, he placed his well known red beanie on and changed his shoes for skates, then began to go back and forth on the ice. The familiar surface glided under Jack's skates and he got chills as he quickly hit the put directly in between his two shoes that he set up to be the goal.

Grinning, Jack skated towards the puck and began to pretend as if he was in a tournament. He could practically see the players go skating around him, either wanting to block his attempts or wanting to help him make it. Jack was too concentrated on the imaginary event in front of him that he didn't notice his little sister running towards the ice. Sophia was never good at skating, yet she was persistent on learning how to since Jack did.

She wasn't close to her older brother and she always tried to find something in common with him. Sophia quickly placed on her skates and began to skate. Her stature was straight as she timidly tried to gain the attention of her brother. She passed by him and noticed a distant look in his eyes, something she seen many times when her brother was imagining something.

Sighing, Sophia went to the other side of the lake and began to skate there, but she didn't notice how thin of ice it was. She skated back and forth and heard a soft crack, causing her to look down and notice the ice slowly starting to break. Urgently looking in her brother's direction, she began to call out his name.

"Jack!" The brunette yelled, but it was no use. Jack was still imagining that he was in a game. "Jack!"

It wasn't until then did Jack snap out of it to see brown hair falling in. Throwing down his hockey stick, he raced to save his sister from not being able to resurface. Sophia began to kick and splash all around, which made it impossible to rescue her. Jack tried to grab ahold of her small wrist but then she went back under. The boy began to panic and started to pant, desperate for breath and trying to figure out a way to help.

As Jack thought, the ice that covered the lake began to melt and that sent the boy crashing into the water as well. Not thinking twice about the odd event, Jack swam towards his sister and grabbed her by the waist, taking her to shore. The girl began to spit water out of her mouth as she heaved for the cold air.

"Soph, are you okay?!" Jack asked, searching his sisters face for any additional injuries. Sophia shook her head and glanced at the now unfrozen water, furrowing her brows at the sight.

"Jack, where's a-all the ice?" Sophia stuttered, giving her brother a confused look. Jack shook his head and didn't honestly know how to answer. A minute ago, the lake was covered with ice but suddenly it disappeared.

"C'mon lets get you home before you get frost bite." Jack urged as he grabbed his little sister and carried her on his back, back to the house.

"H-hopefully mom won't throw a fit." Sophia stated as she nuzzled into her brother, hoping to warm herself up.

"Yeah, hopefully."

It had been a full twenty-four hours since the lake incident and it hadn't fully left Jack's mind. His sister — thankfully — didn't bring it up and his mother constantly asked if they were alright. Jack responded with a low 'yes' as he continued to pack the last of his things. His once messy, blue colored room was now vastly different. If it weren't for the painted walls, Jack and his family would've assumed it wasn't his.

Looking in his closet and room for one last time, the platinum blonde quickly put on his large coat and pick up his duffle bag and small box filled with irreplaceable photos. Some of him when we was a child alongside his sister, others with his mother and with his very few family members. Sadly enough, he didn't have a single one of his father. Both he and Sophia had no recollection of what their father was like or his appearance.

Their mother never talked about him either, almost as if he was one who couldn't be named. The only time he was mentioned was when his mother had gotten a tad too drunk at a coworkers Christmas party. She was recounting the day they had meet, somewhere in the woods while Rebecca had gotten lost while walking home. He appeared and she had fallen in love with his blue eyes. The eyes that Jack shared with him.

Eventually, Jack's father fell for Rebecca thus their lives had actually started. He was there for the birth of Jack and two years later, his mother was pregnant again. Rebecca then said that he eventually drove her away with something that happened in the past. That's what drove Rebecca Frost and her two children to Minnesota, far away from their father and their mother's first love.

Jack quickly entered his mother's room and found her looking lovingly at a picture of him and Sophia. The picture had been taken by their mother while she was in the hospital, after Sophia was born. Jack was leaned on a seat, his platinum hair untamed and Sophia's frail body in his arms. Tears were glistening in Rebecca's eyes as she stared. Shaking his head, Jack engulfed his mom in a tight hug. She quickly returned it as she smiled brightly at her firstborn.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, giving her a sincere smile.

Rebecca shook her head and walked towards the box near the door, leaning to pick it up, "Just being an overdramatic mom. That's all."

"You sure? You rarely cry while looking at pictures."

"It's just hard to believe how fast you and your sister have grown. It feels like yesterday I took this picture with the nurse near you two, to make sure you wouldn't drop her." Rebecca explained, sighing contently at the memory.

"Well, if you want, I can easily get Sophia and recreate that picture." Jack joked, "But it may cost me getting hit in the face."

Before his mother could comment, Sophia came waltzing into the room, "Why would you get hit in the face? I'm much more creative than that."

Rolling his eyes, Jack grabbed his little sisters wrist and hugged his family very tightly. With his mother hugging back her children and Sophia trying to break free, the idea of moving was becoming acceptable. All Jack needed was his mother and sister to make the move bearable, he would miss the snow still.

The one thing that would definitely be following him throughout his life.


author's note:

Hello everyone! Welcome to the first and very short chapter of Jack Frost. I swear, as I continue to write the chapters, they'll begin to be longer and tasteful. Thank you all for the reads and please comment and vote!

joss is out.

Jack Frost » Allison Argent [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now