Part 3

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 Waking up to 'Blurred lines' blasting next to your ear is never a good way to wake up. Austin jumped and with my luck I was laying on his chest so it sent me flying to the floor with a loud thud. “Ouch!” I shout as I rub my butt. Austin peeks his head over the side of the bed, “My bad, that scared the shit outta me and I forgot you were there,” he said helping me up. I stand there for a second while the pain dies down, “Idiot,” I say hitting his arm and walk upstairs. “Morning Courtney,” Becca says as I walk in and slowly lower myself on the chair. She looks at me weird, “Again?” she says with a smile. I nod, “Yeah, he should like turn it down or something,” I say taking the toast she gave me. She laughs, “If he doesn't have it that loud he will never wake up,” she says making me laugh. Soon after I arrived Cayden walks in, “Morning ladies,” he says raiding the fridge. Austin follows, “How's the butt,” he jokes sitting next to me. I glare at him, “You are lucky I don't kill you right now,” I say. Becca laughs, “Wow, violent morning we are having,” She says. Chris walks in and kisses Becca, “Morning love,” he says. I smile at them and look at the time, “Austin, I need to go get dressed pick me up in ten minutes?” I say getting up. He nods with a mouthful of food. I laugh and run out the house.

Once I get to my house I walk in and Lizze runs over to me. I smile at my little sister and pick her up, “Hey baby girl, where's mommy,” I say kissing her cheek. Lizze points to the living room and I walk in. Mom is sitting on the couch looking at something in her hand. I set Lizze down and sit by her, “What is that?” I ask. She smiles and holds it up. It's a beautiful necklace with the letters K and B in the middle of a heart. “it's beautiful,” I whisper. She laughs, “Your dad got it for my 18th birthday,” she says putting it back on. “Whoa, you kept it all this time?” I asked amazed. My parents had a true love story going on, something I wanted more than anything in the world. “Of Course, it's the best gift ever... Well actually Chris, Jesse, eric, Seth, Sam, and Ryan got me the best gift ever that year,” she says with a smile. “NO way what was it?” I ask. She looks at me, “A black charger,” she says. My mouth drops. That is so cool, I hope I get a gift like that someday. “Wow, spoiled,” I tease getting up and going to my room. Once in I look around. What to wear? I grab a pair of light faded jeans and a cute hoodie and throw my hair up in a messy bun. “Lazy day?” Ryder says from the stairs. I throw my pillow at him, “Shut up, im tired and not in the mood to get all dressed up,” I say. Ryder grabs my bag before I can and carries it downstairs where all the boys are waiting. “Looking good Court,” Jason says with a smile. I flip him off. “Courtney Nicole, not in this house,” my mom says from the kitchen. My mouth drops, “How can you even know what I did from in there?” I yell at her as the boys laugh. “I'm you're mother, I have eyes everywhere,” she says. I can hear the smirk in her voice. I roll my eyes and push the boys out the house and we go.

Once at school we split up. Well Austin and Ryder are with me as always. They walk me to my first hour, second hour, every hour. “I have to stop at my locker,” I say as we stop and I open it. “Did you heat Russo's are back in town,” I hear someone say. I turn my head to see Alex Cross and his friends talking. “Yeah man, thought they wouldn't want to come back after what happened to Crystal,” another boy said looking at me. I take a deep breath and close my locker. “What was that Alex?” Ryder asked leaning on the locker. Alex smiles, “Ryder my man, what's up,” he says totally ignoring the fact im there. People act like im not even a person when it comes to the boys. “Football season is starting. You gonna join this year?” Ryder asked. Austin shakes his head, he doesn't really like Alex since he hangs with Jack a lot. “No way man, that is you boys thing. I will stick with Soccer and baseball,” he says with a smile. “You said Lena was back in town?” I finally speak up. They all look at me in shock. Alex smiles a little at me, he is kinda nice, at least he doesnt bully me like the others. “Yeah, they moved next door to me. Lena said she is coming back here for school,” he says. Austin grabs my arm, “We are gonna be late,” he says pulling me along. Ryder stays behind talking to Alex. “Wonder why she is back?” I ask. Austin looks at me, “Maybe she is over it now,” he say stopping at my class, “Your stop Stevens. Try and stay awake,” he says walking away laughing. I shake my head and walk into the room only to get glares from all the girls. I sit in the back as always and pull out my stuff.

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