Lost in Lava

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I opened one of my eyes to have dawn sun rays beam brightly in my eyes. I opened the other one and swung my legs off my bed and onto the fuzzy wool. I yawned and stretched. I quickly got up from my cozy bed and put on my cloak. I snatched bottles of swiftness and healing, as well as my prized diamond sword. Enchanted with sharpness IV, knockback II, looting III, and fire aspect. This sword was my baby, I treasure it always. I readjusted my cloak and stepped onto the wooden pressure plate thus opening the iron door. I was greeted by many hello and gifts from the small children.

"I have a cloak just like you Adorkable!" A small child said then zoomed around showing off his cherry red cape. I smiled at him and nodded.

"What are you doing today?!" He asked overly excited.

"Let me see... Well! Today I first need to go to the nether to get more nether wart, then I need to see the butter kingdom and talk to leader Adam, and lastly I need to go mining for some iron to make more cauldrons!" I said in sweet voice.

"Can I go!?" He exclaimed.

"I'm afraid not. The things that I must do are dangerous, I wouldn't like to use my powers to heal you." I said with a frown.

"Oh. Why does it drain you to heal."

"I'm giving my powers, in which powers me. So if I give it all to you I would be weak and powerless."

"Oh. I want to be a sorcerer like you one day!"

"You must be chosen. You must be brave have no fear. Care for the ones you love, and do anything for anyone. You must not think for yourself but as for others."

"The Sorcerer's Creed!"


"Why are you the only sorcerer who is a leader and a girl?"

"I don't know. Women make themselves useless and non-adventurous. I want to adventure and lead. As you know the story as to why I'm a sorceress." I said.

"The Great War of Minecraftia." He said then shivered.

"Yes. I must be on my way! Remember to let know one tell you can't be a sorcerer."

"I won't!" He said cheerily. I smiled and ruffled his hair. I walked pasted the rushing towns people. I walked until I was met with a large iron gate.

"Leader Alpha!" One of the guards spoke.

"Yes." I said impatiently.

"Need the gate opened?!"


"Okay!" He shouted then opened the large gates.

"Creeper!" One of them shouted. I grabbed my sword and got into attack stance. I heard the Ssssssssss. I dropped my sword and balled my fists and closed my eyes. I quickly opened them and glanced to my hands which were glowing purple. I flicked my wrist in the direction of the creeper sending out a flare of black and blue, hitting the creeper and sending it 20 blocks away into a tree. Killing it instantly. All the guards men applauded.

"Oh like you haven't seen me do that before." I said then rolled my eyes.

"I have never seen your eyes like that!" One of the new men that joined my army not but two months ago. I looked down into a puddle and looked at my eyes. I quickly closed them then opening them and seeing the white fade away. I shot a glare to one of the guards.

"He who shall know more about my past, shall learn." I said then teleported to him. He jumped when he glanced at me. I put my hand of his shoulder and teleported away with him. We arrived at ruins of a castle and village.

"What is this?" He asked while panting and clenching his stomach.

"First time teleporting?" I asked. He nodded and threw up. "Wonderful." I said sarcastically then threw him a healing potion. "Drink only a sip of that. Only!" I order. He did as he was told and stood up right.

"As I asked what is this?!"

"The Ruins." I said.

"Oh. The War of Minecraftia." He said with a frown.

"Herobrine and Notch two brothers worked side by side. They created the sky and land. They added water and with water came trees, animals. Notch felt as though it need more life so he and herobrine created villagers. My father herobrine only wanted perfection. The villagers weren't perfect, he wanted to fix their imperfection. My father added hostile mobs to Minecraftia. He destroyed everything that didn't meet his perfection rule. Notch commanded him to stop, the brothers argued for seven days and seven nights. Herobrine. He changed. Something inside of him changed, good to evil. He couldn't control himself, he killed everything he could get his hands on. He griefed. Notch couldn't take it any longer. Notch created ten leaders of armies. Sky, Minecraft Universe, Deadlox, SetoSorcerer, HuskyMudKipp, BonkerBonkers, SSundee, JeromeASF, BajanCanadian, BlueMonkey, and WeedLion. They are to protect and lead. Where we stand is where it happened. Hostile mobs against Team Crafted. When it was over, herobrine was weakened and retreated to another realm called the nether. He gain more strength and created another dimension call The End. He said he would return, with vengeance."

"And how does this affect you?" I glanced over to him and placed my hand upon his shoulder.



"I'm sorry Rose. I will care for Alpha. She will be powerful nothing shall stop our daughter." My father said as he held me in his arms looking down upon my mothers grave.

-7 years later-

"Alpha! Block! Swing! Attack!" My father commanded. I followed orders and blocked the zombie's attack.

"Now swing!" He order. I obeyed and swung at the zombie's head, I faked him out then kick his legs out from beneath him. I watched him fall to the ground. I put one foot onto his chest and brought down my sword. I hopped of the motionless body and looked to my father. I looked back and retrieved my sword.

"It's time." He said. I shook my head in confusion.


"Shush alpha!" He shouted. He turned to walk out of the training room. "Stay I will return in one moment." He said as he teleported away. I sighed and jumped as he teleported back.

"Stand still, this will hurt." He said then took out a blaze rod and commanded lightning to strike me. I cried out in pain as volts of electricity ran through my body. I fell to the ground with a loud THUD.

"Alpha shall be powerful. She shall have no fear! I command the Minecraftia to never to allow her to die. She may only weaken." He shouted.

-3 years later-

"Alpha! Fight with no fear!" My father shouted as we took our battle stances.

"I don't have fear. Only people fear me." I declared with a smug look.

"True. Alpha, I won't win this battle. And when I don't I must hide for a long time, I expect you to take my place." He said. I looked over to him.

"You know we'll lose?" I asked with a sad frown.

"Yes. Now attack my daughter!" He yelled. I charged after my father, I ran until I saw two purple flames.

"A child!" A person wearing a purple cloak with a red creeper face on his tunic shouted.

"Beware! Indeed she is young but she has power to be ten times stronger than you Seto!" Notch shouted. Seto nodded and looked at me with sympathy. I looked at him swung my sword at his feet. He easily teleported next to me.

"Alpha. You can be more than this. I know you can, the great sorcerers believe in you. You have the power, the courage, the skills to be one of the greatest sorceresses ever. All you must do is allow us to care for you, herobrine will not win this battle and you musten turn to be him."

"Care for me? I can care for myself!" I demanded.

"I'm sure you can, but you need someone to train for you to be a sorceress."

"And who would do that?" I asked. He smiled and ushered me to notch. They only exchanged smiles and nodded.

"Hello alpha." Notch said with a smile.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"I see you would like to change."

"Yes, is herobrine a bad father?"

"No. But he is not a good person. He was a wonderful father to you but you shouldn't be around evilness like that."

"Yes notch." I said.

"Notch! Herobrine has retreated!" A guy with shaggy brown hair, sunglasses, and a golden amulet (butter! Don't hate me pls! I fan!) said.

"Good. Now we may stay at your kingdom sky."

"Yes sir. Is that herobrine's daughter."


"Why would you do that?! She'll kill us in our sleep! Or poison us!" Sky shouted.

"Now why would I do that to the people who will care for me?"

"W-What?!" Sky asked.

"Yes, alpha will be raised by Seto and I accept all of you do help him as well. No exceptions." Notch commanded. He nodded and walked to a guy with dark brown hair that cover half his face with a pair of black headphones with a glowing green light.

~end of flashback~

"Holy. Shit." He said.

"Yeah. Welp! I won't have time to go to the nether, I have to go to adam's kingdom. Erh. Here's a map, compass, food, and a healing potion. Lets call it a training!" I said whilst handing him his essentials.

"Have fun Danny!" I shouted.

"How do you know my name?!"

"I'm a sorceress, I know all." I said with a wink and teleported away. I teleported onto Adam's planning table thus stepping on all the papers.

"Ah! Alpha! Good to see you made it! Now please step of the planning table!" Notch said.

"Ha! Whoops!" I said while teleporting next to Seto.

"Great to see you Alphie!" He said while hugging me.

"You too Seto!" I said happily.

"Can we please focus on this important topic!" Mitch shouted.

"Okay, okay! Don't get your tunic in a twist!" I shouted then pulled away from Seto and turned to look at everyone.

"Mitch is correct. First off, Alpha after the meeting your guards are reporting a lava mob outside your towns gates." Notch said in a serious tone.

"Yes sir. Shall I use magic or sword?" I asked.

"Any way you can kill it, you know how dangerous they are!" Husky chirped in.

"I know! It's just my powers, they are stronger than ever before!" I said then lighting a purple ball-flame and playing with it causing it grow bigger. I smiled and flicked my wrist into the direction of husky and a purple tiara to float above his head.

"Knock it off!" He yelled.

"Awwww the little princess is throwing a tantrum!" I said in a baby voice. Everyone begin to laugh.

"Alpha, please act like your serious self." Seto said. I huffed and snapped my fingers. The tiara vanished only leaving purple dust to fall in husky's hair.

"Herobrine." Notch said.

"Let me guess he made a new mob?" I asked sarcastically.

"Worse. Herobrine his..." Jason trailed off.

"His active once more. Villagers are dieing, farms dieing, farm animals, viruses and plagues." Notch finished.

"No." I said. I closed my eyes and reopened them. A bright white light filled the dim room. Everyone shielded there eyes.

"Calm down Alpha, everything will be fine." Seto said whilst placing his hand on my shoulder.

"No. Everything will not be fine." I said.

"Yes it will."

"No! No Seto! Everything is not going to be FINE! Everything will turn to hell! Everything is dieing! How can you say that when the world is falling apart around all of us!" I shouted. I pushed my chair back and stood up. I raised my arm and let a purple flame ignite. I pulled out my diamond sword from my back and stepped onto the window ledge.

"I'm going to take care of the lava mob. Seto call me when you have a problem." I said then teleported away.

"I'm sorry." I heard Seto's voice in my head. I huffed and landed in the centre of my town in a badass pose. I knee down and one up. With my head hung. I looked up and saw all the towns people gazes upon me.

"Alpha?" One of the spoke. I looked at the gate and saw a soft orange glow. I looked down at the child from this morning tugging on my shash. I glared at him and took off sprinting. I ran into the gate with great force causing it to break into a million pieces. I stopped infront of the lava mob and help my hand close up to it. The flame changed to black.

"Any last wishes? Why to I bother speaking. Lava mobs don't talk." I said. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Whoa! What the fudge?! I didn't do anything! I just wondered into town after I woke up in a desert! I need food!" He said. I looked blankly at the mob.

"How can a lava mob speak?!" I asked.

"Lava mob?! Where?!" He asked frantically.

"Mmm. Someone hasn't looked in the mirror in a bit have they?" I asked. I took a step back and released the flame. I changed my eye Color to purple.

"I'm a lava mob?!" He shouted and looked at his hands.

"Hmm. Give me one second." I said. I quickly pulled a fire resistance potion and took a sip. I stashed it away and took ahold of the lava mobs hand.

"You might be a little sick." I said.

"Wait wh-" he said as I cut him off by teleporting to my friends house.

"Holy fudge." He said.

"Oh uh it will only last for a bit. Just uh sit down or lay down." I said as I let go of his hand. He laid down on the ground and curled into a ball. I chuckled at the sight of it.

"ALPHA MABE!" I heard Jade shout. I cringed and looked over to her.

"Uh slight problem." I said nervously.

"Uh yeah there's a problem! Your going to die from a lava mob!" She said as she equipped a diamond sword.

"Jade! Don't!" I shouted and stood infront of him protectively. She lower her sword and looked to the lava mob on the ground.

"Okay. But what make this lava mob so special?" She asked. I sighed and helped him up.

"Because of this." I said as I kicked his ankle.

"WHAT THE FUDGE MAN!" He screamed. Jade looked at me with shocked expression.

"His not normal. I need to do a reading then try and fix it. I'm going to need your help though." I asked sincerely. She sighed and nodded.

Hey guys! I think I did pretty good on the first chapter! What do you think?! Yay? Nay? Go comment. I'm waiting. ........... Thank you! Anyways! XD Slap dat vote button wid your controller! And if your new follow mah to join the ZEXY DORK ARMY! BAI! :3 Stay awesome guys and keep dorkin along. Captain Alpha over and out!

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