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It was that time of day where you're hungry but it's not quite time for dinner. The sun was there, just rolling off the noontime hill.

That's the time when Fred Weasley woke up.

It was like waking up from a really good nap. In fact, he was wondering where he was. He was surely not in his room ? These walls are not "Deep Wine" like the swatch Ginny picked at the shops. These are white and boring. He's not in his king sized bed with a Mrs. Weasley quilt. He is in an uncomfortably small bed with flat pillows. Actually, he's wondering how he's slept so soundly here.

Everything is coming back slowly. The war, the wall- a wall. A wall knocked him out? How unbelievably pathetic of him. What should his entrance like be then? You're wall-come for waking up? Don't worry, I'm feeling wall?

He laughs at the last one as stretches out and pulls himself out of bed. He does a few "pre-walking-for-the-first-time-in-months" warm ups. Toe touches and the works. Once he's certain he's able to walk (and also keep these revealing gowns from flashing anyone), he hobbles out the room. However, his family had been standing outside, about ready to come in and talk to the unconscious ginger.

They were all shocked to say the least. George was on him first, being a millisecond faster than Mrs. Weasley. He was sobbing through laughter as he nearly squeezes the life back out of Fred. The rest of the family grabs at him, so they all end up as a mass of orange taking up hallway space. And as Fred glances around at everyone holding him and telling them they missed him and what not, he notices an absence.

"Where's Lainey?" Fred asks, deciding against his wall joke.

All of the Weasley ruckus stopped abruptly. No one wanted to say anything.

Ginny is the one to speak.

"We don't know."

Mrs. Weasley is still holding onto Fred and George had a hand on his shoulder, as if he may disappear if he lets go. Mr. Wesley goes to find a healer and Fred stays rooted in spot because how can they not know? Why would they allow her to disappear from their life? From his life?

Suddenly, he is very tired again. So he pulls himself from his mothers grip and shuffles back to his temporary bed. It's when he's buried in the blankets that he hears it all again. The words the spoke her first and last time here.

"Oh sweet child, but we are all lost here! So close those eyes and follow where your heart leads," he repeats in a whisper before drifting back into sleep.

When he wakes up next, he's back in his old room at the burrow. The warm colors are a pleasant contrast from the dullness of the hospital, especially with the warm light filtering in through the curtains, illuminating the room in a soft glow. To his left on a nightstand is a glass of water and slice of cake. He sits up and chugs the water, just realizing how thirsty he is. However, the cake seems unappetizing.

His memory is so very fuzzy on just about everything. His name is Fred and this is his room. That's about all his mind is supplying him, but he's not worried because with each item he sees, the more he remembers.

Downstairs is peaceful. That means no one is home. Mrs. Wesley must have run out to pick up groceries. Mr. Weasley is at work. George is at his own house, the same as Ron probably, and Ginny is... Well who knows where that girl would be because Fred doesn't even know what month it is. He slides on a pair of flip flops there were abandoned at the back door and takes a step out.

The feel of the air tells him it's November.

He remembers Lainey. If she were a month, he thinks to himself, she's be November. She's be the crisp leaves dancing in the wind. The gentle caress of the breeze. She'd be the chill down your spine. The smell pumpkin pie makes you feel. Its the coziest month with a chill.

He wants to look for her. She must be in America still, right? He can go right now. Pack up his things and search for her. But America is so large and that's even if she's there still.

And he's so tired he might just pass out...

Oh snap crackle pop. How's that for excitement. Also I have no idea what I just wrote bc my mind is being heavily influenced by manga rn. So yeah. L8er g8ers

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