Chapter 2

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-Zayn's POV-

I woke up the next morning super excited to see Charlynn again, I hope the boys like her because I really want to adopt her. She seemed so nervous yesterday. I hope it wasn't cause she didn't like me. Ugh I just hope everything turns out okay!

"Guys are you ready to go?!" I yelled walking out of my room

The boys came running to the door and we all got in my vehicle then we were off for the orphanage.

 "Zayn why are you shaking?" Niall asks from the passengers seat.

"I am really nervous." I say keeping my eyes on the road.

"How come?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say.

We then arrived at the orphanage, I knocked on the door I fiddled with my fingers nervously as we waited for an answer.

"Hello." A lady said as she opened the door.

"Hello, is Charlynn here?" I ask.

"Yes, you must be Zayn, you called last night?" She asks.

"Yes that is me." I nod.

"Oh come in come in!" She says with a very welcoming tone. She walked in followed by the boys and I.

-Charlynn's POV-

"Charlynn come down here you have visitors!" I heard Linda call from down stairs. I was laying on my bed looking at a magazine. Who would be here to visit me? I thought to myself.

I then ran down the stairs, and standing there was One Direction. Oh my god. I thought to myself a part of me wanted to freak out and the other part wanted to run and hide.

"Hello Charlynn." Zayn says smiling down at me. There was something about Zayn that made me feel comfortable I have never felt like that around any other guy before. I don't fully trust him but he seems like he could gain my trust.

"Hello." I say.

"Boys this is Charlynn, Charlynn this is the Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall."  Zayn say introducing us.

"Hello nice to mee you." They all say.

"N-nice to meet you too." I manage to spit out.

-Zayn's POV-

"Boys can I speak to you in my office?" Linda asks. We all nod and follow her. Charlynn stayed behind.

"Okay boys listen, Charlynn is very nervous around men because when she was seven years old she watched her father kill her mother and he then tried to kill her so don't be offended if she is well distant at first." Linda says sitting at her chair behind her desk.

 That poor girl, it all makes sense now. I really want to adopt her she needs a father figure in her life to show her not all men are like that, well maybe five father figures.

"Zayn I know you talked about wanting to adopt her, what are you thinking now?" She asks.

"I think I still want to do this." I say looking at the boys, they have been very quiet since we have gotten here.

"Are you sure?" Liam asks. I think for a sec and slightly nod.

"What do you guys think about her?" I ask.

"Well she is a beautiful girl and deserves a very loving family." Harry says. The boys all nod agreeing same with Linda.

"So who will be her legal guardian?" Linda asks.

"I will." I say.

"Okay now I will do a background check and do some paper work and if everything goes well you will be taking her home." Linda says to me smiling.

"Okay how long will all this take?" I ask.

"It wont be very long, I have been doing this for years I have learned to do this very fast." She says smiling and starting to do her work on her computer.

About thirty minutes of waiting she was done.

"Okay Zayn I am going to have you sign here, here and here." Linda says pointing to different spots on the paper. I finished signing everything.

"Okay now lets go see Charlynn." She says smiling,

"Charlynn honey!" Linda called as we walked out of her office.

"Yeah?" She asked walking over to us.

"You are now Charlynn Malik, Zayn has adopted you." Linda says smiling.

"Oh okay." She says nervously.

"Go gather your things so the boys can take you home sweetheart." Linda says.

Charlynn ran up to her room and we all waited downstairs.

"I am going to go talk to her." Linda said walking up the stairs. After waiting about 15 minutes they came back down Charlynn said her goodbyes to everyone and we were gone.

"Where would you like to sit?" I ask Charlynn before we hop in the car.

"Could I sit by you Zayn?" She asks very shy and nervous like.

"Of course love." I say. Before We all hopped in the car and headed for home.

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