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I changed the title to what this really is XD

Am I the only one who sometimes just lays down and stares at the sky and thinks for just like an hour about both pointless shit and meaningful stuff

Like wtf

And then when I get tired I just shrug and get back up and continue on with like lmfao

Please tell me I'm jot the only one and that I'm not as insane as I think e.e


OF COURSE I'm too lazy to make my new OC book but I can easily write three hundred words.


Anyways, I have an ides for a story:

A teenage girl who grew up in Yokohama, Japan had been involved in a lot of bad things for three years of her life and went to rehab. Her therapist, after her rehabilitation, decided that the best option for this girl would be for her to take a break from society. She would go to live with her grandparents in the countryside of Switzerland for the school year, and she would get full credit for schoolwork, as they would send the curriculum with her so that she can keep up.

Long story short, her grandparents, along with living in an unpopulated area, resided in a huge, old, creepy house. The girl, within the first week, discovered a boy who had been living in blocked off areas of the basement and cellar. He wasn't human, but he wasn't a total monster either... He was a bit of a yandere lelelelel

They grew to become well acquainted with each other, despite the fact that the boy didn't talk much.

Eventually, her grandparents realized that she was hiding something, and they got really creeped out and started to think she's insane.


A lot of shit will go down in the end if I decide to make this...

~ Also, I might switch gender role (there would be a girl living under the house and a boy moved there for the school year) or make it two boys instead of opposite genders.

Opinions? XD

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