ONE SMALL THING - A Dramione Fanfiction: Chapter 1

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 Hi all!

Okaaayyy, so this is my first try at a really long, proper kind of book-thingy for Dramione.

This whole chapter is written from Draco's perspective and it doesn't contain a whole lot of action, but that is something you'll have to earn...

I do hope you enjoy, and remember...messages make me happy!! (And of course I'll upload faster...)

Vote, COMMENT, and throw a suggestion or two my way. You just might get a cookie or something glittery back.

DISCLAIMER: I solemnly swear that I don't own Harry Potter. There. I said it. Happy?


"Even the largest avalanche is triggered by small things." - Vernor Vinge
"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.” - Johnny Depp

It was a simple spell, a spell that Draco had performed countless times before, and he cast it now.


The tip of his wand glowed a pale bluish-white and illuminated the dark corridor of Malfoy Manor. He tiptoed down the winding staircase with only his wand to guide him, careful to conceal the fact that he was up and revisiting the torture chambers.

He didn't want his mother to worry.

He didn't even know why he was putting himself through this.

Even though he was aware that a Tergeo-Scorgio combination spell had been used to clean away all the blood, he could swear that the cold stone floor was a shade darker than he remembered it.

There were so many Unforgivables cast here. So many things he wished he hadn't seen. He'd been forced to watch and do terrible deeds, but usually he hadn't know the witch or wizard in front of him. Still, he'd always had that spark of doubt that somehow this was not the answer.

Things had changed when Voldemort had given him the task of killing Dumbledore. It wasn't just about power had become a matter of survival, of suddenly being the only one who could protect his family.
Kill the one wizard who still believed in Draco's goodness, or die.
If it hadn't been for Snape...

And then, after all that, they'd brought the Know-It-All down here. Suddenly it had became too much for him, too real. He didn't want to do this anymore. What Voldemort and the Death Eaters were doing was very wrong, and it did not even have anything to do with blood purity anymore. It had turned into someone else's game, one sick man's lust for dark power, and Draco Malfoy was going to do his best to avoid all further activities to do with the Dark Lord. And he'd nearly succeeded.

Harry Potter.  Hermione Granger. His fellow classmates.

With Potter it wasn't difficult to pretend to be confused. His face had been charmed to look unrecognizable and Draco had found himself unexpectedly impressed by the level of magic used to inflict such distinct facial changes. Obviously, nobody knew whether it was indeed Potter in front of him except Draco himself, and he found it easy to lie to his aunt's face. The book-lover, on the other hand, had sat there scowling in her usual glorified way with her bushy hair as unruly as possible. Every self-respecting Death Eater knew what the best friend of Harry Potter looked like. She'd been doomed from the start.

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