Letter Twenty Nine: The One Who Been There Through Every Step I Take

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Dear Rosie Lamb,

I know your just a stuffed toy. Just a rag doll. But really youto me are more. You where my first cuddly toy. I would take you every where. We have a video of when i went on holiday and ben had stolen you and your head nearly got ripped off. So many memories come back to me when i looka t those blue eyes you have. So many memories that fill my eyes with tears. You've been there and when you wern't, when you were broken, when you were gone, I broke too. There was no one to talk to. No one to listen. I was a child Rosie-less. Santa had never given you back. And thats when i had stopped believing in him. But one day, when i was eight my mum had given you back to me. Your colours had faded, your hair gone. you little hat ripped, your neck had loose stitches, your legs stuffing was pouring out. That's when I remembered why i had to give you away. You were so special to me, that i cried when I got you back. i sat there on my mums floor and cried. a few years you had missed me growing up, but now you sit on my shelf, watching me grow. watching me struggle to get up in the morning, watching me brush my hair, watching me flop on my bed after a tiring day. You just sit there and watch me. But it is almost comforting. And I will never forget you, and i know you will always be there for me when i need something to cry into.

Chloe xx

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