19 ⁓ He likes the way she taste

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_ Amelia _

Sunlight fell on my face and I rolled away because it was suddenly too bright behind my eyelids.

My body came to a stop when I met with resistance on the other side of the bed. My palm connected with rigid abdominal muscles and my eyes snapped open.

Light grey eyes stared back at me and I couldn't help the instant flutter of wings in my stomach. These so-called butterflies were wild as fuck, soft wings flapping every which way.

Willem blessed me with a slow smile, his eyes shining bright in the early morning light.

I returned the smile as my mind drifted back to last night. We did not have sex, but our bond was getting stronger with each revelation, and every touch, every kiss brought us closer physically.

I was glad he stopped us before we took this sex thing too far but at the same time, I wanted to do explicitly naughty things with this man.

I didn't want to complicate an already delicate situation with sex and all the feel-good hormones that came with it.

It wasn't too long ago that I was hunkering for a divorce. I had no idea how long this moment of bliss was going to last before Willem dropped another bombshell on me.

I took a lock of his blondish curls between my fingers and then I ran my hand over the curls falling to one side of his face. "Did you sleep okay?"

"It was torture sleeping next to you," he drawled in his sexy accent. "I was rock hard the entire night. You do this thing where you push your ass against me and wouldn't stop until we were inseparable."

"It's kind of chilly in here with the A.C. on, guess I was trying to stay warm. You're toasty hot, especially down here." I wrapped my hand around his cock through his silk pajamas.

He jumped and I felt his pulse beating beneath my palm, getting harder and bigger and longer. I couldn't believe how brave I was so early in the morning.

The silk glided with ease over his throbbing arousal as I stroked his thick shaft in an up and down motion.

His hand shot forward and he grabbed me by my hair, drawing me closer to his face.

"You better know what the fuck you just started. I'm no saint, Amelia. I want to put my dick up your tight little pussy with a desperation that is foreign to me." His voice rumbled near my ear in a coarse whisper.

God, I wished he was as straight forward with everything else as he was with sex. My virgin ears were having a field day, but his directness was a mega turn-on.

I kept on stroking him, using the same motion over and over. I read somewhere, probably in the Cosmopolitan magazine, that staying consistent and not stopping was vital to a good handjob.

To my disappointment, Willem covered my hand after a moment, stopping all movement. I watched him as he made quick work of getting rid of his silk bottoms. His cock sprang free, aiming tall toward the ceiling and I couldn't help but stare at his well rounded, and firmly tucked balls.

He sat up in bed and motioned for me to kneel between his thighs. Once I was in position, he cupped my chin and I leaned forward on my hands to accommodate him.

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