The Bowls

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Mr. D: So you two brats are the new Hermes campers, the Bowls.

Connor: Um. I'm Connor, and this is my brother Travis we're the Stoll brothers.

Mr. D: Yes I know you're names are Goner and Mavis Goal.

Travis: No Connor and Travis Stoll.

Mr. D: I know you names are Tanner and Travel Noel.

Stolls: Nope, that's not it.

Mr. D: I don't care. If I look like I do, I apologize. Can you please leave Noels?! You are disturbing me.

Connor: But Chiron told us....

Travis: To talk to you.

Mr. D: Then go find a dryad or better yet a naiad.  They live at the bottom of the canoe lake.

Connor: But wouldn't we drown?

Travis : I do not want to drown.

Mr. D: Styx you two aren't complete idiots. Okay Loner, Jarvis go away or you will find yourself drowning in a bottle of Merlot. Understood Coals?

Stolls: Got it.

Mr. D's Name Mix Ups ( #Watty2016 )Where stories live. Discover now