John Green

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Mr. D: So your the son of Zeus, John Green.

Jason: My name's Jason Grace not John Green, and I'm the son of Jupiter.

Mr. D: Potato, Patato.

Jason: Okay....

Mr. D: Go find a camper or a satyr to show you around, James Grape.

Jason: But that's not my name.

Mr. D: I don't care if that's your name or not, Basin Brace.

Jason: But I need to ask you a question.

Mr. D: Go away before I turn you into a spinner dolphin.

Jason: But it's important.

Mr. D: Than go ask Chiron.

Jason: But....

Mr. D: Go away Mason Pace, or I will turn you into a dolphin.

Mr. D's Name Mix Ups ( #Watty2016 )Where stories live. Discover now