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Alois walked into his house, and sat his messenger bag onto the counter. Luka was at a friends, so he was all alone for the weekend. What to do, what to do? Alois got a brilliant idea. Why not text Ciel? Oh, wait...

He stared blankly at the small screen in front of him. Now was only a matter of time. Now that Ciel knows his real name, he's going to find out what he looks like, and who he is. With the Internet, it'd only take him a matter of minutes.

Alois has seen this before, nonetheless. Next, Ciel will suddenly be "interested" in him. Alois, being the hopeless romantic he is, will fall hard for Ciel, but deep down he'll know that Ciel doesn't reciprocate these feelings. They'll date for a while, until the relationship starts getting serious, then his sweet blunette will leave him. They always leave.

It hurts. It really hurts. Nobody will ever care for Alois. Excluding Luka, nobody cares for Alois now. He looked down at his phone one more time.


Without a thought, Alois' phone was sent flying across the room. Alois walked to the other side of the room, and peered down at the now crushed iPhone. He slowly picked it up.

Nobody will love you.
You're not worth loving.
Who would even want to love you?
You're worthless.
Just quit trying.
It's never going to work.

"DAMN IT!" He threw his phone again, only this time it was as hard as he could. He screamed. It wasn't just any scream. It was a scream of pure agony; pure hurt. The tears wouldn't quit. They just kept pouring out of his eyes. He made his way to his bedroom, and lay down. Soon, his tears made him drift off into peaceful sleep.

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