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****ALOIS' POV****

"Luka! Why would you- ugh!" Alois whined as he stared at the text right before his eyes. 'Alois...'. Just staring at it made him feel sick. "I-I'm sorry, Brother, but why wouldn't you want him to know your name?".

Alois tear'd up a bit, before rubbing his temples. "It's hard to explain. Please give me a little alone time. Okay, Luka?" Alois let a faint, unconvincing smile.

Luka returned the expression, before turning around, and walking out; respecting his older brother, sensing that something was really wrong here. Alois was all alone now.

"Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Shit. This is bad. This is really bad," was all Alois was thinking while going over the recent previous messages shared between his younger brother and Ciel, "Why would I even- ugh. Just lie. Tell him that your brother was just being silly- no. That wouldn't work. Why would Luka even want to do that for?

"Ah. Just tell him that your little brother just didn't know how to spell. Crap. That's stupid. It, also wouldn't work. That would be way too misspelled to be believable. This sucks.".

Alois rubbed his temples. He liked Ciel, but the last thing he wanted was Ciel to find out who he really is, and the first major trait is his name.

Alois just, mainly wanted Ciel not to see his face, but if he knew his name, finding a face wouldn't be that hard. All he wanted somebody who'd fall in love with his personality, not anything else.

Maybe Ciel just wouldn't care. Maybe Alois would be lucky for once. As if. Nothing good could come from this.

He decided to just walk away from the situation all together; Ignore everything he's just acknowledged, and forget about it all.

He exited out of kik, and put on some headphones. Music would probably help. Music always helps. Music never did not help. He closed his eyes, and let himself enter a deep, peaceful sleep.

****CIEL'S POV****

Ciel awkwardly fiddled his left thumb over the screen, waiting for a text back from Ji- Alois. He had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. This wasn't going to turn out well at all. He shouldn't have said that.

What if Alois didn't want him to know his name? What if he was ashamed of it? WHAT IF HE WAS A CRIMINAL?

Ciel's mind tended to wander in situations like this. He couldn't help it. It just happened. He always assumed the worst. He's what you'd call a pessimist. He always saw the glass as half empty.

After about 12 minutes of Ciel nervously chewing his bottom lip, waiting anxiously for a reply, for an "LOL", for anything, he decided to give up. Alois wasn't going to text him back for a while. Maybe even never.

Ciel sighed. He really screwed this one up. He finally found somebody who would take their time to listen what he had to say; acknowledge what he had to say, and he blew it. God.

Ciel felt a little tear fall, before quickly wiping it away with the pad of his thumb. This was stupid: the fact that he was crying over some idiotic boy who he's talked only once, and texted only a few times.

It just felt so different. A change. A good kind of change. A change that you wanted to keep for good. Someone finally wanting to talk to you. Of course Lizzie wanted to talk to him, but there was a difference. Lizzie was obsessed with him.

He sighed again. Maybe he should get some rest. Have a little sleep. It's too bad he couldn't sleep forever. Now that would be peaceful.

He sat his phone on his counter and lay down. Maybe he would wake up to a text from Alois. Yeah, right.

(A/N: IM SORRRRRRY. Everything has been so, so hepatic lately, and I just don't have time to write things down anymore. WOAH, WOAH. DON'T GET YOUR NICKERS IN A TWIST. I'm not quitting the book. Hell no. This is rad. I just want you guys to know that the update process won't be going super fast. Perhaps if I haven't finished the story by summer, there will be updates left and right, but as of right now, I'm trying to manage my own life, as well as both, Ciel and Alois'. Thanks for all of the support guys. I couldn't do it without you~)

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