Chapter 7

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Ahahahaha you lucky people. I uploaded twice this week! Well, I'm going back to my schedule after this upload ;)


Two more days.

For some reason I’d felt oddly guilty about Choi’s blog post. I had a feeling it was my fault and everyone else agreed. Her post had brought out very many comments saying things along the lines of: “Why?” and “You lucky bitch, I’d kill to be you.”

“You feel guilty because?” Ken tilted his head to the side in confusion. “I thought you hated Arina.”

“Hate- no. Strongly dislike more than others- yes.” I corrected him. Ken rolled his eyes and blew out a short sigh.

“Details…” He muttered. I smirked.

“Details go a long way Ken.”

He only rolled his eyes at me again. Ken collapsed into the rolling chair I used to get around on slow days. Just pushing myself around and banging against walls would satisfy me for hours. What? Did you expect more from a famous singer? Nah, I’m one hundred percent normal teenager.

“So,” Ken began nonchalantly. I raised an eyebrow, turning away from my music sheets to give him a suspicious look. “You excited for when Arina comes over?” he asked me, a smile playing on his lips. I frowned at Ken and shook my head.

“Seriously Ken? You have to ask?” I countered. Why did they all try to get on my nerves? He only kept on smiling, waiting for a better response. “Whatever,” I sighed. “It’s definitely going to be horrible.” I replied at last in an annoyed mumble.

Ken laughed in that way that “made girls swoon” in the news. I seriously don’t get girls. “I’ll bet you twenty bucks you’ll enjoy something when Arina comes over,” he gave me a mischievous look.

I raised an eyebrow. Leaning back in my own chair, I smiled slightly. “You’re such an idiot, Ken. That’s a pretty risky bet.” I looked up to the ceiling, a sad comparison to our enormous stage. “Bet twenty bucks that I’ll hate it. Which is damn obvious if you ask me.” Ken chuckled quietly to himself.

I sat up and glared at my friend. “You’re not planning anything are you?” I asked him with suspicion. He shrugged his shoulders up and down innocently.

“No, of course not. What could I do?”

I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

“Anything,” I told him anyway. Ken slowly pulled his wallet out from his back pocket.

Ken looked inside of the wallet and sighed. “Hmm… I think I need twenty more dollars to buy something I saw…” Trailing off, Ken smiled at me teasingly.

He left my room laughing like an idiot. “What the hell…” I muttered. If Ken had heard, he only ignored me.

After I heard the quiet click of my door- indicating that it was firmly closed, my phone began to vibrate. I sighed as soon as I saw the name appear on my screen.


What the hell did she want now?

Hey, why didn’t you tell the media about me? Shouldn’t our break up be in magazines or something? D:

I laughed silently to myself at the text. I turned off my phone then, not bothering to reply. I rolled over, landing onto the soft comforters of my bed. Grinning at the ceiling for no fricking reason, I stayed there until sleep overcame me.


Rolling over, I stared tiredly at my alarm clock. It was 5 o’clock, meaning I had slept throughout the night unknowingly.

In smaller size my hazy vision finally pieced together the date.

One more day- Oh, shit.


I lounged on the couch, watching Bailey pace back and forth frantically, reminding me how to behave around people- especially fans- especially lady-fans. Griffin yawned loudly, just to bug Bailey after our manager had clearly said “Don’t yawn in annoying matters.”

I smiled, grateful for the small joke in the tense atmosphere that surrounded us. After waiting five more minutes, I realized Bailey would continue going off like this until Choi finally showed up. I stood up, stretching and causing Bailey to falter in his endless speech.

“Tye! Are you even listening?” He protested as I turned around to get a snack.

“Once upon a time, yes I was.” I replied. If Bailey were a child, he’d have pouted and stomped his foot harshly on the ground. Instead he only heaved another sigh, making him seem so much older than he really was.

“Tye, honestly, you must focus!” Bailey was practically begging me. I paused, feeling sorry for the old man. I looked at the other guys for some escape, but they ignored me, minding their own business. Sighing, I turned around to face my manager. Ignoring his pleading expression, I laid out how I really felt.

“Look Bales, I’m gonna let Choi know how I’m really feeling,” I told him. A number of expressions ran across Bailey’s face. “I’m not going to play games like everyone else,” I said, my voice cold and my face in a stony expression. He sighed again, this time allowing me to win and himself giving in. I had to hold in the cheer and grin threatening to explode from inside me. Yes! I won this shitty war against Bailey!

Just as I turned around for my pathetically dramatic exit, the intercom buzzed in its soft, yet loud way. I cursed under my breath.

In the screen showed a terrified Choi, a creepy bodyguard and a bitchy Viv. Sadly. I squeezed my eyes shut before turning around to inform Bales.

“Uh… Bailey? We’re having an extra visitor.”


Luff this story <3 Anyways Oh la la! What is that ol Viv rascal thinking??? Hahaha... I have so much planned, I just wana tell you all! But that wouldn't be good would it? Did you enjoy? Slight cliff hangar.... hahaha. Well, I was thinking I wouldn't be able to upload cuz of my quarter finals but it turns out I will be able to! Wish me luck on my finals?

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