I. Tick-Tock | Peter Pan retelling

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Summary: Kara is a sweet girl who just went on with life until she got the news. Lung cancer, everything turns for the worst. The ticking clock reminds her the little time she has in this world. She has no hope and no faith left in her. But, fate has a different plan for her.


Hello, everyone! :) I felt like putting up one of my short stories, this story was for a contest (I had to make the story like Peter Pan) so I guess this is like it, but not. This story is like Peter Pan, but what could happen in real life (I'm not saying that Peter Pan isn't real, I love Peter Pan :). I'm just explaining so you guys will understand what is going on.

I hope you guys like it! :D Please tell me what you think! :) Thank you very much!


One - One

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The repeating sound woke me up. My chest went up and down as I took breaths in and out; pain shot through body every time I breathed. I gulped for my throat was parched. My breathing gave a raspy noise. How long was I out? Memory flowed through me. My fingers gripped the bed sheets. Peter.

Poor, Peter, I remember him screaming my name. What's wrong, Kara?! Help! Somebody help!

"Kara," a voice mumbled. My green eyes glanced over to see Peter sitting on my right side; his caramel brown hair was everywhere, his green eyes shined having a glassy tone to it.


"Why, what?" I coughed placing the bed sheet in front of my mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me, Kara?!" he shrieked. He stood up from his seat. His hands were in fists. His whole body shook with anger. He wore a green T-shirt, blue jeans, and black converse. He was very tall for his age.

"You've never asked," I simple said. My eyes glanced down at the ground.

"That doesn't matter! You should have told me!" he kept on yelling. He began to pace the room running his fingers through his hair.

"You can't pretend that you don't have lung cancer." I stole a look from him. His whole face was cherry red, tears ran down his cheeks, and eyes were puffy.

"You are the one who introduced it to me, Peter, to pretend."


I remembered the first day I met Peter. It was after; I got my first therapy done. It was a gorgeous day out. The sun was shining; the wind was very strong that day, I happened to remember. I wanted to go outside to play. Mother was protected over me, ever since I was diagnosed with Lung cancer; she would freak out over the littlest cough I would make. She never let me outside to play for she thought it would make it worst. I knew that she felt guilty. She has been smoking all of my life. I got the Lung cancer by second hand smoking. Once, she heard of this; she admittedly stopped smoking.

I glanced around the house, mother was upstairs taking a nap, and I snuck out of the house without mother noticing. I was walking down the sidewalk heading towards the neighborhood park. It was in the early afternoon, before school was out. I didn't think that anyone was going to be there.

"Unguard," charged a little boy, he was swinging a wooden sword towards the other boy. The other boy just stood there clanging his wooden sword with the little boy's. He wasn't even breaking a sweat; he stood there yawning as the six other boys chuckled at his gesture.

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