Chapter 1: Welcome To Loserville

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After another half-hour of day-dreaming and torture from Mrs. Figg, the bell finally rang. The class flew out the classroom door and I trailed behind, watching Mr. Beautiful flirt with Casey Tims.

Or, as Sara and I call her, Casey . . . The Bitch.

"Anabel!" Sara came running towards me. She ran face-first into the door of Mrs. Figg's classrom as Casey and Josh Pike flung it open. Sara crashed to the floor and her books scattered everywhere. 

"Sara, are you okay?" I shouted, kneeling down to take a look at her. Casey squeezed past us muttering something under her breath. Mrs. Figgs came dashing out of her classroom and helped me drag an unconscious Sara to the nurse's office. 

* * *

I sat down at a lunch table as far away from Casey as I could get. I rummaged through my lunch inside a brown-paper bag only to find some junk food, an apple and a note from . . . Mom. I scanned over it, sighing. 

Anabel, have a good day at school!

Love, Mommy

"What's that?" I jumped up from my seat and my lunch bag flew across the cafeteria, along with Mom's little note. Sara sat down next to me, sliding her lunch tray onto the table. "Woah, didn't me to scare ya!" she chanted, giggling.

I scrambled onto the floor, picking up everything that had fallen from the bag. I sat back down and sunk into my chair. "Very funny . . . So, you okay?" I asked, A large bump lay positioned just over Sara's eyebrow. It had turned dark red, almost black.

"Oh, yeah, I guess . . ." 

I nudged her arm am laughed, "Oh, really! Wouldn't expect that kind of an answer from someone who just got hit in the head with a door!" Sara smiled at me.

"They gave me an ice-pack but I know Casey will just tease me about it, so."

"Come, on. You better improve that attitude by next period. Or else Casey really will tease you about it. Stop giving into her so easily."

Sara turned away and pointed to my Mr. Beautiful, Josh. "Oh, I'm giving in too easily, huh? All you do when you talk to me now is complain about how Casey gets to date Josh and you don't!"

"Hey!" I began cracking up. "He's just soooo gorgeous! Now just eat your lunch already."

The time passed quickly due to all our chatting and giggling. We walked to our next class together, stopping in the bathroom to apply more lipgloss. ("Isn't this pointless, Annabel, if no one likes us anyway?' Sara complained.) We plopped down in two desks next to each other in room 503. Just as the bell rang and Mr. Ryder began his lesson, I realized I never did pick up that note off the floor from Mom at lunch . . . 

And when something like that falls into the wrong person's hands, bad things are guaranteed to happen. Welcome to Loserville, I chanted in my mind.

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