The Wood Shed

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I have decided that I will follow Ellie, before I confront her.

That night I keep my clothing on and put on a sweater. I put my running shoes and a flashlight under my pillow. Luckily, I decided to have four cups of coffee before going to bed . I close my eyes and listen mean while my mind goes wild with questions. Then I finally hear Elodie get up and go downstairs, quietly I follow.

She silently makes her way through the woods. We keep going till there in front of us is a small wood shed. Ellie slips in secretly.I wait a few seconds then I enter.

"Elodie you better explain what is going on right this instant, or else..." I trail off memorized.

There are beautiful mountains, with a large sea of green trees and waterfalls of silver water that seem to never end. The view is breath taking, then I remember what I actually came here for.

I look around to see if Elodie is anywhere to be seen, but all there is is tall, green trees and the birds and their magnificent songs.

"Elodie? Where are you?!?!"I call into the unknow. I continue, not daring go too far from the shed, just in case.

Suddenly, I hear rustling in the brush to my left, when a beautiful, young, golden doe with brilliant purple eyes, leaps out!

I let out a small shriek when the doe comes forward slowly transforming to Elodie.

"I don't understand! What... How... Why?!?!" Still utterly confused.

"Come, I will explain." Ellie tells me, as she comes forward to take my hand.

At first I hesitate, then I take her hand, knowing that Ellie would never hurt me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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