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Summer. Who doesn't like summer? It even sounds like the most beautiful thing in the world. I mean expecially when it's the summer break after finishing my third year of high school: grade eleven.

Luckily I had my best friend, Elodie Giselle Marilyn Knight with me the whole way, through thick and thin we stuck together. Nothing could separate us.

This summer was going to be amazing, we were going to British Columbia, Canada, just the two of us! It is going to be the bomb. My parents are renting a nice house in the Rockies for us.

Friday, June 13th, 2016

"Gracen Aviana Hunter, you better be getting ready!",my mother was yelling.

"Calm down! I'm almost done", I replied.

I just finished putting my long auburn hair up in a perfect pony tail. I took one last look in the mirror. I was wearing my high wasted,light blue shorts that brought out my topaz eyes,white muscle t-shirt that says: fool me once shame on me. Fool my best friend. . . and you're dead freaking meat. ( it was a gift from Elodie, obviously)and finally I had my super comfy bright mint running shoes.

Meanwhile I was putting my phone and phone charger in my backpack, I heard the front door open. I already know it's Elodie. So I start to take my two giant, orange suitcases plus my blue backpack, downstairs.

Of course once I'm in the kitchen, Elodie is already shoving pancakes down her throat.

"Wow, Ellie! I get pancakes too!" I tease.(Ellie is the nickname I gave Elodie when we were 5 years old)

"Gray, I didn't think you'd be joining us for breakfast!" Ellie responded, while my mother laughed.(Gray is my nickname)

* * *

Once we were at the airport we said goodbye to my parents. We then took our seats on the plane. (we were in first class!)

The plane was going to be direct to BC. But it was going to be quite long, 5 hours to be exact, since we live in Washington, DC.

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