How i met your mother (dream diary entries)

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Sarah just turn 14. she comes from a drug addictive father and an on off good mother, but How I Met Your Mother and its cast is the only thing that makes her happy and feel special. this is about how her life would change for ever and her dreams would come through!

16 march '14

dear diary, its my birthday! 14 today!! So this morning I woke up happy. There was a written note left on top of my iPad to follow the feet on the floor. They lead me to the kitchen where there was one massive present and several small ones around it. It was good to be true. This wasn't mam. The big one was I say 61/2ft tall is said "open me last."

I opened all my small presents. I got an iPhone, loads of himym merchandises like jumpers and Barney bobble head, but I also got sun-block, a suit-case, pillow and a camera! My mam certainly wasn't behind this.

I tried to open the wrapping but it was taking forever, so I got a scissors and cut the ribbon and the sides of the box gave in and right in font of me were my heroes. Neil Patrick Harris, Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders and Alyson Hannigan.

Neil was holding a ticket it was a plane ticket to L.A!!!

I woke up a few minutes later in bed with Neil with his hands behind his head and staring at the ceiling, Jason was signing my himym box-set and the rest of the cast sitting at the end of my bed! I didn't believe it, it couldn't be happening. Neil explained how I fainted and how Jason carried me up stairs to bed. They told me that I was going to LA with them. I started to breath heavily. Josh gave me my inhaler from my locker "you might need this" he smiled and winked at me. Cobie added "and there is a packed suitcase down stairs for you." I got dressed, grabbed somethings and we left. We flew from Shannon, it was faster.

We are flying first class at the moment. I'm sitting beside Neil we'll be going over New York soon, I'm so excited. I've been promised that I can go into the cockpit wile we go over NYC! I'm not sure what time it is but I know its early morning and there's another hour or 2 to go!

I was just told that I was going to be here for awhile!! I'll be on the set for most of the time working and we're going site seeing together for a day too! I'll be talking turns of where I stay. I'm going to stay in their house for 1 night each and then I'll decide where I stay for the rest of the time. I got them all to follow me on instagram!

I'm staying with Neil, David and the twins tonight. I can't wait to met them.

So it's 7:30 i've just met David and the twins their all so funny and the twins are even more cute in real life. David said "we'll have pizza and peachie for dinner", and showed me to my room! Finding it hard to adjust to everything and switching my devices time because of the difference!!

I'm going for a swim now, talk tomorrow.

Sarah xxx

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