Battleaxes and Bad Poetry

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"Emily. Where did you steal that from?" Violet said the second she saw me, stopping and gaping at the shirt I was wearing. I glanced down at the blue and white off the shoulder shirt and shrugged nonchalantly. "Tara borrowed it to me." Violet raised her eyebrow. "The ice queen seems to be melting. When did you two get so close?" She asked, linking her arm through mine. I shrugged again. "We had a heartfelt conversation last night. I think she'd warming up to me." I explained as I put in my combination. "Well, what on earth happened during that conversation? She had an epiphany? Aliens came down?" Violet asked, leaning against the locker next to mine, much to the irritation of Juliette who was trying to use that locker.

I was saved from answering (and exposing Tara's secret) by Evan who decided to slam my locker closed just as I opened it and give me a heart attack. He leaned against my locker and buried his face in his hands, groaning loudly. "And what's up with you today?" Violet asked. Instead of replying with words like a normal person, Evan decided to dramatically sigh and slide down to the floor, crooning 'Oh why?' like a broken record. Juliette rolled her eyes and bent down in front of him. "Evan Carl Barnes you tell me right this instant what is wrong or I'll pay Rob to cut off your hair when you're asleep tonight."

"I'll do it for free." Rob smirked, joining Evan on the floor. Evan pouted and hit Rob on the chest. "Screw you man." He muttered. Rob snickered. "So? You gonna tell us?" Juliette repeated slowly. I shook my head, remembering the first day I met her. I can't believe I thought she was quiet. Turns out once she's comfortable with you, she's the sassiest person you'll ever meet. Evan shuddered, remembering her threat. "We need a guitarist." Rob explained, slinging his arm over Evans shoulders. "We practice every Monday morning before school and the principal decided to make the choir practice during our time. Obviously, we protested. But now we need to play for her next Monday morning to prove that we are actually doing proper practice and we are not using the time to goof off. But we need to be made up of students only and we've been using Mr. Allen as our guitarist." He continued.

"So basically we have a week to try out guitarists and teach them the song or else Axis to Infinity is over and done with." Evan finished, looking genuinely upset. "Oh, that's why you didn't call me to wake me up this morning." Violet said, face palming. Rob nodded. "Wait, you guys have a band?" I asked, looking at Violet who nodded, looking glum at the news. "It's not really much of a band. I play drums, Evan pretends he can sing, Rob is our fan boy and my alarm clock and Mr. Allen is our guitarist. We've never played any gigs or anything. I can't believe we forgot to mention it to you, sorry love." She said to me, offering a hand to Rob who took it. Instead of letting her help him up, he pulled her hand and she fell into his lap as he tickled her. "Rob! St-Stooop! N-No-No moore!" She exclaimed between laughs, trying to get away from him. He released her, looking pleased with himself. "At least I made you smile." He protested, smirking. Violet blushed a deep red as she scrambled to her feet. "Your blushing clashes with your hair." I pointed out, making everyone laugh.

"Well, when are we holding try-outs?" Juliette asked, wiping tears from her eyes. "We?" Rob asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes 'We'. You aren't the only fan they have." Juliette said, rolling her eyes. "Plus she actually plays bass so she is more of a member than you." Violet pointed out, sticking her tongue out at Rob. "But she never shows up to practice." Rob protested. "It's too early. And I get stage fright." Juliette snapped, helping Evan to his feet. "A week is more than enough time anyway." I said, shrugging. "When are we holding try-outs?"

Rob sprung up enthusiastically. "After school. Spread the word. We will have a guitarist by the end of the day."


"I can't believe it's the end of the day, we've seen 12 different guitarists and we still don't have one." Rob moaned, banging his head against the table. Violet rolled her eyes and pulled his hair. "Stop that. You can't afford to lose any more brain cells." "I can't help it." He complained, rubbing at his forehead. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, surprised to see a message from Tara. 'U @ th dorm? Need a pic of the list lomb.' It read. "Speaking of killing brain cells." I said, rubbing my temples and tossing my phone on the wooden table we were all sitting around. "Anyone know what this means?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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