Fists and Foes

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'Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the...FLOOOOR!!!'

Needless to say, my body hit the floor.

I fell from my bed, still tangled in blankets. I raised my arms, ready to defend myself. Of course that action was unnecessary. In front of me stood a girl of about my height, her brown and red hair caught up in a bun. Her back was towards me but I could see the top of a tattoo of wings on her back sticking out above her tank top.

She spun around to face me, the phone blasting that song in her hand but that wasn't what caught my attention. It was the way her hazel eyes stared at me. Cold and calculating. She resembled so many instructors from the centre just with those eyes. "Sorry 'bout that. I always wake up this time." she said, shrugging carelessly. I nodded.

The girl put her phone off, stopping the music. The silence was suffocating me. She looked at me expectantly and then it set in that she expected me to introduce myself first.

"Umm, hi? I'm Emily." I said, thrusting out my hand. Her icy gaze didn't melt. She didn't respond for a while, instead staring at me silently as though trying to see into me. For a few moments I felt threatened in a way. She was staring at me so intently, I could swear she was reading my mind or something.

She shook my hand weakly and simply said "Tara." "Nice to meet you Tara." I said, attempting to be friendly. She barely nodded before sitting on her bed to face me. "Listen up. I hate sharing rooms. So you stay on your side, I stay on mine. As simple as that, alright?" She said. Needless to say, I was quite shocked so the only reaction I could manage was a curt nod. "Great. Catch ya later." Tara said before leaving the room, swinging the door shut behind her with a resounding bang.

Slightly irked at the thought of having her as a roommate for the year, I lifted my watch and pushed the hidden button. "Emily? Up this early?" I heard Fred's voice slur sleepily a few seconds later. "Early? What time is it?" I asked, confused as I sat down on the floor cross-legged. There was a brief moment of silence. "You do realize you're talking to me through a watch...right?" Blushing furiously at my stupidity, I checked the time only to gasp in horror.

"It's four in the morning!?"

Kill. Me. Now.

"Yes. Now what do you want? You're keeping me from my beauty sleep." Fred said grumpily. I couldn't stop myself from giggling at the thought of someone so masculine saying he needed beauty sleep. "I just wanted to irritate you. And also ask if I get any cash for this. I need clothes." I said, looking through my wardrobe which had nothing colourful or 'normal' in it. "Didn't I fill you in yesterday?" Fred asked, confused. "Oh well. The suitcase you have has all of your clothes right? So the briefcase. Take it out."

I did as he instructed, placing the silver and black case in front of me. It had a small black screen in place of the lock. "It's programmed to open only with your thumb print. Open it." I pressed my thumb against the tiny black screen and with the suitcase unlatched itself silently. I laid it out flat on the carpet. Its contents confused me. "Okay, inside on one side you'll see rows of pills and liquids in vials." Silently I nodded my head, knowing he couldn't see me. I ran my fingers over the tiny glass bottles.

"The vials with the green lids are poison - the one we usually use. We don't know when you might need to get rid of somebody that catches on. This is a really long mission." I glanced at those vials, noticing the colour of the liquid was a similar green. The pills however were as white as snow. All of the pills were. I need to make sure I don't mix them up.

"The vials with the purple lids are mild tranquilizers. They take two minutes to kick in and will put a person to sleep for exactly three hours. That should give you enough time to get away from them so they don't suspect it was you that drugged them." These vials contained a liquid that resembled water - crystal clear. Easily to pour into any drink.

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