Chapter Six

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 Stiles shifted uncomfortably under the harsh light of his hospital room and blinked open his eyes. Everything around him was a stark white which contrasted heavily with the darkness of the night sky that he could see out the window to the left. What had happened?

He felt a strong hand on his on his shoulder and turned to see Theo and immediately everything came back. The yogurt shop, the fight, the headlights.

"Hey," Theo said gently as he patted the side of Stiles' face gently. "How are you feeling?"

"Good," Stiles croaked, and then motioned for a water bottle that was on a desk across the room. Theo got it for him and Stiles immediately began chugging.

"I was scared, you know," Theo blurted. "I mean, when I heard you were in here. I didn't want our last experience together to be a fight at a Frozyos',"

Stiles smiled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before agreeing. "Yah, that would be terrible,"

Theo kneeled beside Stiles' bed now and held his hand. "You're dad was here, he literally just left to get us some coffee though,"

"What, I almost die and you guys are suddenly best friends?" Stiles joked.

"Something like that," Theo smiled. "We both have similar interests; We want to Keep you safe,"

A comfortable silence came over them as Stiles thought back to the fight and how he just left Theo, how he abandoned Theo after the boy had fought for his honor. Yes, that sounded slightly dramatic, but it was true.

"I'm sorry I left you," Stiles said softly. He looked into Theo's eyes and squeezed the werewolf's hands, forcing a smile. "I love you, you know,"

"Thank god," Theo beamed, relieved. "I thought you were going to break up with me after you left,"

"I don't scare easily," Stiles grinned. He enjoyed the way that Theo's face lit up and the way that he blushed so easily. "So what's wrong with me? Am I missing any limbs or anything?"

"Not that I can tell," Theo said. "But you have a pretty bad concussion. You had to get some stitches on your head,"

"I guess I'm just happy I didn't go and get myself killed," Stiles Said.

"Me too," Theo sighed. "You get some sleep, alright? I'm gonna go make things right,"

"O-Ok," Stiles said. He didn't quite know what Theo meant by that but he was too tired to complain. "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

Theo stood menacingly over the man who was driving the car that hit Stiles and frowned, staring into the contents of a bottle that he had brought with him. He had waited until a woman, presumably the man's wife, had left his side to get food before he slipped into the room.

The room was dark and stuffy despite the open window to the left of him and Theo could smell the blood of the man. He could smell how the man's heart was beating softly, weaker than it should be, and he could sense that the man wasn't conscious at the moment.

He walked over to the IV connected to the man's arm and extended one of his claws to slit the top of the IV bag open. He poured the contents of the bottle, bleach, into the IV bag and found himself frowning again. Soon the bleach would invade his veins and arteries, killing him from the inside. Revenge was a bi-

"Theo?" Stiles asked. His hospital gown hung loosely around him as he looked into the room, obviously confused. "I was looking for you- what are you doing?"

"I-" Theo stuttered. "H-He-"

"Is this the guy who hit me?" Stiles asked as he stepped into the room. Theo nodded slowly before responding.

"I have to- had to- kill him," Theo said. "He deserves to die-"

"What the hell?" Stiles and Theo both turned to the doorway where a woman, the man's wife, appeared. She stood wide eyed, gaze shifting before the two of them and then at her husband, whose heart monitor was beeping furiously as the bleach spread through his veins, bringing him closer to death.

"Help!" She screamed. Then she Charged Theo. She ran to him and pushed him backwards, almost pushing him completely out the window. He was caught off guard and couldn't use his werewolf strength. It was all happening so fast.

Stiles tried to pulled the woman away from Theo but she backhanded him, cutting his face with one of her rings. She let go of Theo who collapsed back inside and grabbed a vase which she smashed over Theo's head.

It was all happening so fast.

Theo grunted and fell backwards against the window again, using one of his hands to keep himself from falling through the window.

It was all happening so fast.

Stiles pushed by the woman and pulled Theo back inside.

It was all happening so fast.

The woman grabbed a piece of the broken vase and tried to stab at Theo.

It was all happening so fast.

Stiles pushed the woman with all his might away from his boyfriend.

It was all happening so fast.

The woman stumbled backwards and tripped out the window behind her.

Stiles could hear the crack of her bones when she hit the pavement outside, and stared blankly in shock at what he had just done.

It all happened so fast.

Theo F*cking RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now