The Killer.....Cookie of Death

16 1 0

My fav band All Time Low

-2 weeks later-

A lot had changed in the last month. Most of my old friends were new again and I'd even made friends with some of the hunters. Percy, Ajax, Nico (sometimes) and Thalia usually hung out with me. They were probably my best friends in camp, the rest of the seven didn't really like me. Even Leo! And I didn't think he was one to hold a grudge. Since the 'recovery', as I liked to call it, there'd been an influx of Aphrodite girls making moves on Ajax and I. Mainly Ajax, I'd already passed them down. It really was amusing watching him get harassed, mainly by the persistent Drew.

Although I did wonder what I looked like when I had the Aphrodities after me, and Percy, and Jason. Ah Jason. His wounds had not healed. Aw poor Jason, not. It was pretty obvious he wanted revenge on Ajax, and I wasn't sure about me. Daniel had healed up, and I'd been astonished by the damage I'd done at first. Daniel had two crushed ribs and long gashes all over. Did not help my reputation.

He and Jason had a hating problem. Maybe that's just what happens with children of Zeus, they take things too seriously and hold a grudge, and take revenge. Daniel was training with Jason to get as good as him, and I have to admit he was doing well. He could catch lightning without stumbling, he could aim better, he had better stamina and was learning to fly. I hadn't practiced my powers too much, more my fighting. Turns out I'm a natural at sword play, spears, archery and knives. That includes daggers and throwing knives. I'd been exploring my fighting skills to expand into a broader range of fighting styles. I'd learnt the Roman fighting style, the Amazon, a butt load of marshal arts and even a long lost recently recovered Persian style, which involved a lot of kicking.
I'd been challenged over and over and over to duels (guys) without maiming, the cowards. Asked out, not as much as Ajax, but more than I could count. Jeez for children of the love goddess they were really lonely.

"Hey Fletcher, want a game of basketball?" Percy asked.
I grinned. "Sure."
Percy, Thalia, Ajax and I sprinted to the courts, picking up a ball on the way.
Thalia on one team, Percy and Ajax on the other.
We started with the standard tussle for the ball. Percy and I went up. I just managed to knock the ball away from Percy and to Thalia who caught it easily. I charged down the court, Thalia not far behind taking a fast break. I got inside the key and Thalia passed. Percy tried to block but Thalia faked, and sidestepped him before passing. Ajax tried to intercept but clumsy Ol' Ajax tripped over. I took one step forwards, bounced the ball once and finger rolled the ball into the hoop. 2-0.

The game played on with four fouls from each team, and the ball going back and forth between hoops.
We finally grew tired and ended the game with 69-69. We all lay down in a shady spot in the grass by the lake.
Percy dozed off while I fought the urge to do so as well. All too soon though Ajax was called away for cabin inspection and Thalia had to talk with Artemis - something about hanging around with boys. Percy just slept, and barely noticed anyone leave.
"BYE PERCY!" Ajax and Thalia yelled in his ears, Percy grunted and rolled over.
I laughed. "Talk about deep sleepers. ...I wonder if he has cookies on him..." I mused. I waited until Ajax and Thalia were out of sight before searching Percy's pockets. I found one old looking blue cookies and licked my lips. Just before I bit it though, I felt a hand on my wrist. I glanced up to see a scary Percy gripping my wrist.
"My cookie." He stated, wide awake.
I grinned cheekily. "Hell naw."
I wrenched my hand away and tried to bite into the cookie. Percy roared in anger hit me with a tidal wave. I was knocked back and sat up spluttering, yet still holding the cookie. Percy stood atop of a hurricane, racing towards me. I shaped the log of a fallen tree out of shadow and knocked Percy off his hurricane. He yelped, not expecting it, as he fell to the ground. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics over the cookie, plus I found it. "FINDERS EATERS!" I yelled at him and stuffed the thing into my mouth.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Percy wailed, "THAT COOKIE WAS POISONED!" He began sobbing. I spat out the cookie.
"MINE!" Percy yelled and stuffed the saliva covered cookie into his mouth. I stared at him in disgust. "Percy...I'm not sure if even I would've eaten that again..."
"Yes, because of my plan to make you think it was poisoned!" He said triumphantly.
I stared at him. "Whatever floats your boat."

The next thing I knew, Daniel had knocked Percy unconscious and had blasted me with lightning. I was sent flying back, smoking. I coughed and sat up again. Daniel was flying full speed at  me. I flicked a knife at him and it stabbed his shoulder, sending him spinning towards me. I gathered shadow fire around my fists and blasted him with it. His turn to go flying back. He sat on the floor with a small, match sized flame on his shoulder.
He began to moan. "Oh I'm not going to make it. Somebody help me. Ahh."
How pathetic. I clicked my fingers and the fire vanished.
He laughed. "Didn't even hurt!"
I rolled my eyes and disappeared into shadow form.
"Wha?" He asked, shocked. I punched him in the nose and walked off.
That was the hardest thing I'd done all day.


-next day-

"Hey guys! This is Katie, Katie Gardener." Ajax introduced us to a girl with green eyes and shoulder length brown hair.
She smiled. "I already know Percy and Thalia."
I stood up and held out my hand. "Hi I'm Fletcher."
She went to shake my hand but I high fived her's front, back and then fist bumped.

My face: :D
Katie's face: •_•
Ajax's face: -_-
Thalia's face: *facepalm*
Percy's face: :D

"And welcome," I bowed sarcastically, "To the club."
Thalia sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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