Chapter's 6: Leading to the unexpected

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Chapter 6: Nessa's POV*

I had slept a dreamless sleep and right now I was simply in complete darkness, a peaceful darkness. One that comforts you in it's silence rather than scares you with it's endless void of nothing.

I could feel a magical presence around me, it wasn't getting closer but it was getting stronger. I could feel it being a mere couple of metres away from me, when suddenly the magic burst to life as it was being used and hurdled towards my sleeping figure. I woke up in a flash and with my powers stopped what ever it was that was moving towards me. I turned to look at what had been flying towards me to identify it, it was a scalpel.

I looked up to where I believed the magic had came from and found myself staring into the emerald green eyes which I've grown rather fond of lately. "Loki!" I scold and yell at him when I realised he was the source of the flying scalpel. My outburst of anger had shook the Captain awake from his sleep, he woke up and blinked rapidly to help him see. He quickly realised that he had fell asleep next to me, he attempted to get up from the bed but I held him down by holding down his chest, he looked slightly surprised at my strength but any emotion of that was wiped of his face when he saw the the scalpel which was hovering a mere 2 mm away from from his forhead, if I hadn't stopped it, it would have gone straight into his brain and killed him instantly.

He carefully took the scalpel in his hand and removed it from it's hovering possition, breaking the magic which I had on it. Captain look towards me and asked: "What hapened?" before looking back to the scalpel in his hand. I pointed towards the end of the bed where Loki was standing, Captain looked at Loki with an accusing stare. Even though Thor said that Loki could now be trusted Captain never believed a word of it. He believed that Loki was still plotting something, and this just proved his point. "Loki what were you doing?" Captain asked, authority laced in every word. Loki answered with a locked jaw and didn't look happy at all. "Sorry soldier, I saw a figure laying next to Nessa and became worried, so I threw a knife at it but I had no idea it was you and no intention to kill you." Captain stared at Loki and I could see that he mostly believed what he had said. I of course didn't believe a word he said. He obviously threw that scalpel for another reason and, considering all the secrecy and strange looks which I have noticed lately, I intend to find out what that reason is.

We had no time for the moment to get awkward, which I was thankful for, because Loki had quickly said to us: "Fury wishes to speak to you both." before leaving us in a hurry. I looked at Captain who I found was looking at me too, "We should go." he said. I agreed and swiftly got off the bed. Captain looked at me like I had just coughed up an organ. He was so worried and immediately got off from the bed on the same side I did. "Are you alright Nessa?" He asked in a rushed, worried tone. "Yeah I'm fine," I responded as I casually walked towards the door pass his gobsmacked face. I laughed at his shocked expression and simply stated: "I'm a fast healer.", before walking out the door.


"Nice of you two to finally join us." Tony said sarcastically as me and Captain had entered the room, Loki was already there and was sitting at the end of the table with his head down. "Be quiet Stark." Fury scolded as he waited for me and Cap to sit down before he started talking to the group.

"We," He started off pressing a button on a remote so that another hologram appeared from the console at the center of the table, "have a lead on the whereabouts of the unknown subject which attacked us earlier this week." A picture came up of an ancient looking building, it was made from wood and looked like it would have housed 20 people or so. It was strange yet somewhat familiar and I couldn't help but stare.

"This is located in a dense forest area in Norway, our intelligence says that it's over 1 1/2 thousand years old. Its never came up on our surveillance before so were guessing that it's shown it's in for a special occasion. " Said Fury as we all sat and stared at the photo of the old cabin like structure. "How could it be that old if it has a building structure more modern to that time ?" Questioned Natasha, I was thinking the same thing. Fury just shook his head as he replied with a 'I don't know,'. We all stared at the picture a while longer before Fury turned and exchanged looks with me and Loki before continuing, "but we were hoping you guys would." I exchanged looks with Loki and we both said that we have no recollection of the cabin. "but we'd be happy to find out for you." I added as an after thought.

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