Chapter 9: Catalyst

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Chapter 9: Loki's POV*

I woke up in a cold, damp cell. The smell of blood hung in the air and the floor was covered in it and filth. I had a pounding headache, my vision was blurred and all I could feel was a fire burning through my body with every pulse of my blood travelling through my veins. Though I was still conscious enough to know exactly where I was. I could sense the dark magic lying thickly around her figure as she walked towards the door. It's hard to get rid of, like the stench of strong, cheap tobacco from a person's clothing. It'll always hang there, and you will always crave it. It's smell, it's feel, it's power coursing through your veins and past your fingers. It's like a drug for witches and warlocks, once you get on it, it's very hard to get off.

As she entered the room she held her head high underneath her concealing, hooded cloak. The door was shut promptly behind and as I stood to meet her I noticed the shackled around my arms and feet, I could still walk about halfway to the door but no more, so we met in the middle of the room, she looking up at me, and I looking down at her, even though I could not see her face as her hood kept it under the shadows.

"What's your plan?" I questioned. I could feel her smile at me from under her cloak. Her shoulders shook as she gave a soft chuckle in response.

"You will soon see," She spoke darkly, taking a few slow steps backwards before she turned around and made her way to the door. I couldn't let her leave without getting some more information.

"You won't get it," I began, catching her attention as she paused in her departure. "Whatever it is you want from me, you won't get it." She stood just behind the door, looking forward, the slight movement in her shoulders indicating that she was laughing at something.

"I want nothing from you but your presence," she answered. I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"For what purpose?" I inquired, to her motionless figure. I couldn't even tell if she was breathing, she seemed almost fake, like a wax figure.

"For a ransom," she stated as she almost floating out the door, once again seeming unreal. A ransom? I pondered, confused by what she had said. She wouldn't want money, more likely a powerful item of sorts. If she wants a ransom for me, she will be sadly disappointed by the outcome. There would be no way that S.H.I.E.L.D. would pay for my release if it put them in a vulnerable position, not after my previous actions. I couldn't be trusted and in their eyes, I just wouldn't be worth it.

Nessa's POV*

I woke up with a strange sense of movement, my body wasn't physically moving, but I didn't feel stationary either. My eyes adjusted to the brightness around me, and that was when I noticed that we were still in the car, driving down the brightly lit bridge leading to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. I attempted to sit straight, as I was leaning on something when a hand shot out to help me up.

"Easy now, don't want you collapsing on me again," a voice called. I looked up to see that I was resting on Steve's chest, one of his arms wrapped around my waist, the other supporting my arm as I attempted to sit straight. I smiled as I sat tall, only to begin sliding back down the seat towards Steve. Steve just chuckled and caught me as I landed on him, obviously getting used to the action. I blushed out of embarrassment, I must seem so weak.

"We're here," the driver stated as we pulled up in front of S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. Steve exited the car first, holding out a hand to help me get out, accepting his offer I exited the car and began to walk. The first few steps were shaky, and seeing that people were staring I used my powers to create the illusion that I was walking when really behind the magic I was ever so slightly hovering over the ground and floating all the way to Fury's office. By using my powers though I had expelled even more energy than if I were to walk, and collapsed in exhaustion on one of the chairs in front of Fury's desk.

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