Chapter two

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Chapter two

I had expected her to laugh or remind me that I hate prom, but she didn't. She done the last thing I expected, she raised her eyebrow and said seriously? It was like she expected me to do this, it was creepy.

"Yes." I sat on the edge of her cluttered desk; moving pieces of old school news paper out the way. "Brittany told me I couldn't do it, I said I could. It's easy to organize a prom, I mean, come on! All people do is dance." 

"You do realize there's more to it than that?" I shook my head and opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off. "I remember when my sister was head of prom committee two years ago; she had so much work to do. You have to organize food to be cooked – either by the school cooks or by a student, which, do you really want one of those kids out there to do? – or delivered, you have to make sure there's enough tables and chairs, while making sure there is enough space for people to dance. You need someone to make sure everyone has tickets and who shouldn't be here. Then there's music, you need someone willing to spend the night on it or hire a DJ that is willing to work for low pay - because, trust me, they are a lot of money, Em." I sighed. "Then there's the decorations, you have to make them yourself." 

"Wait, what?" I spun round to look at her, dropping the pencil I was spinning around. "I have to make decorations? She never told me that! I thought you just order them!" 

"It's shocking you're on the paper," she commented. "Of course you have to make them! You can buy a few things but the rest you have to make yourself," she told me. "Look, I'd love to help you-"

"You can't."

"What?" She looked up from her typing on her computer to look at me. "What do you mean?"

"I have to do this on my own, apparently. Brittany done most of it on her own and now she expects me to. Which I think is unfair, considering she's had nearly the whole of the year to organize this." 

"You aren't allowed any help whatsoever?" I shook my head. "Bummer. You will have a lot of work cut out for you then," she smiled. "I would honestly help you on the down low, but I have quite a lot of stuff I need to type up for the paper and. let me guess, I'm going to be doing your share as well?"

I blinked. "Oh my god, I'm not going to be able to write for the paper due to all the stupid prom work!" I ran a hand through my hair. "I need to write though, it's what I do! It's what I got accepted into college for!" 

"Calm down. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just think of some ideas and you'll be fine." She smiled. "I have to go, once I get the print outs I need to head to the library and study up for the test coming up." I wiggled my fingers in a wave, not moving from her desk.

I had come to her expecting a bit more help than that. I groaned and walked back to my work station. The folders sat on my desk, mocking me and the next three weeks of work I will have to go through. "Better get started soon," a voice behind me said. I looked over my shoulder. 

"What are you doing in here?" I asked him, scrunching my nose up. "Only people who work on the paper are allowed in here during the lunch hour." 

"I know. I was told to come in here to meet Mr. Archfield." He shrugged his shoulders. 

"In trouble again?" I mocked. Leo Flint. Bad boy. That's all there was to him. "What for this time? Stealing the school hamster?" I raised my eyebrow. "Oh, or did you steal Mrs. Ark’s doughnut?" I saw the corners of his mouth tilt up before disappearing. He seemed to only have two expressions; nothing and scowling.

"No. Actually it was because I parked my bike in Mr. Archfield's space." I opened my mouth but he didn't let me speak. "Because I was running late, that's why." 

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